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In order for the county to transition to net-zero we will need to create a zero-carbon economy here in Dorset. This means that emissions from the Dorset’s commercial and industrial sector will need to be eliminated whilst making sure the county’s economy still thrives

Dorset Council cannot singlehandedly eliminate these emissions, but it can work with partners, influence services, and develop existing programmes to drive the step-change needed to transition to a zero-carbon-economy in Dorset. 

After detailed evidence and information gathering exercises, led by the EAP and carried out by officer working groups, it has been recommended that the Council implement the following 16 actions in relation to Economy.

Milestones have been identified for each action. This plan shows the immediate targets we will need to achieve by 2023 to keep us on track.

Objective 1

Objective 1 header
 Objective Action type CO2 saving potential  Co-benefits  Cost 

Maximise opportunities for clean growth in Dorset and encourage investment in green jobs and business

Direct, indirect and partnership/influence  Medium Improves ecology, builds resilience, encourages economic sustainability, enhances health and wellbeing  Medium
Objective 1 actions table
 Actions Action type CO2 saving potential  Co-benefits  Cost 2021-23 target
Support greater deployment and strengthen high-speed broadband/ ICT infrastructure in Dorset to enable business to utilise greater home working, reduce travel and facilitate innovation and collaboration  Indirect High Improves ecology, builds resilience, enhances health and wellbeing  None  

Current contract & voucher delivery
by March 2022

Engage with government in defining local gigabit strategy and delivery plan for 100% gigabit-capable coverage by 2026  Partnership/influence High Improves ecology, enhances health and wellbeing None  

Define interim targets by Dec 2021

Work with DLEP to ensure clean growth at the centre of Dorset’s local industrial strategy  Partnership/influence Medium Builds resilience, encourages economic sustainability, enhances health and wellbeing None 

Clean growth key theme of Local         Industrial Strategy
from 2021

Ensure clean growth is included within the DLEP investment prospectus & low carbon projects are developed in readiness for any future funding/investment

 Partnership/influence Medium  Encourages economic sustainability, enhances health and wellbeing None  

Initial project
pipeline identified
by Dec 2020

Investigate building renewable energy infrastructure at Dorset Innovation Park  Indirect  Low Builds resilience, encourages economic sustainability Low  

Feasibility study
carried out
by March 2022

Objective 2

Objective 2 for economy action plan
 Objective Action type CO2 saving potential Co-benefits Cost
Maximise opportunities for clean growth in Dorset and encourage investment in green jobs and business Direct, indirect and partnership/influence  Medium Improves ecology, builds resilience, encourages economic sustainability, enhances health and wellbeing  Medium
Actions for objective 2
 Actions Action type CO2 saving potential Co-benefits Cost  2021-23 target 
Investigate opportunities building renewable energy infrastructure and retro fitting on council employment land & premises (industrial estates/hotels etc) Direct  Medium Builds resilience, encourages economic sustainability,   Low
  • Sites identified
  • Feasibility studies carried out by 2023
Develop the Dorset Innovation Park to become a centre of excellence in clean growth by encouraging low carbon business into the area, facilitating research and development and ensuring best practice low carbon buildings. Indirect  Low Improves ecology,  builds resilience, encourages economic sustainability, enhances health and wellbeing


  • Principles/standards developed
  • Road map to zero-carbon created by March 2022

Promote the low carbon and renewable energy economy in Dorset and encourage investment to create high quality and skilled  jobs and businesses in this sector.

Indirect  Medium Encourages economic sustainability, enhances health and wellbeing Medium  Plan developed to 

optimise opportunities
and delivered from
Sept 2022

Work with partners to attract inward investment in green sector businesses with highly skilled workforces.

Indirect  Low Improves ecology, encourages economic sustainability, enhances health and wellbeing  None

Plan developed and delivered from
Sept 2022

Work with partners to support the provision of local training for green skills

Partnership/influence  Low Improves ecology, encourages economic sustainability, enhances health and wellbeing  None Future action 

beyond 2023

Use potential COVID-19 recovery funds to provide investment in low-carbon technologies for key sectors Partnership/influence  Low Improves ecology, encourages economic sustainability  None Bids submitted for any funds available 

by 2023

Objective 3

Objective 3 action
Objective Action type CO2 saving potential Co-benefits  Cost

Turning Dorset into a Low Carbon tourist destination

Partnership/influence  Low Improves ecology, encourages economic sustainability None
Actions for economy section of climate emergency strategy
 Actions Action type  CO2 saving potential Co-benefits  Cost  2021-23 target 
Work with the tourism sector to develop specific programmes of support for sustainable tourism & make Dorset a low-carbon tourism destination Partnership/influence  Low Improves ecology, encourages economic sustainability None

Discussions held with partners and  forum created & plan
by Dec 2022

Objective 4

Objective 4 - Economy
Objective Action type CO2 saving potential Co-benefits  Cost 

Increase resilience of our local economy

Partnership/influence  Low Improves ecology, builds resilience, enhances health and wellbeing  None
Actions for objective 4 - economy
 Actions Action type CO2 saving potential  Co-benefits Cost  2021-23 target
Help businesses to be more resilient to climate change through our planning and flood risk management functions Partnership/influence  Low Improves ecology, builds resilience, enhances health and wellbeing None Vulnerable businesses identified & information disseminated 

by 2023

Working with partners to encourage greater understanding of the risks of climate change for the economy and best practice for business. Partnership/influence  Low Improves ecology, builds resilience, enhances health and wellbeing None Key risks identified & communicated to 

businesses by 2023

Objective 5

Objective 5 actions
Objective Action type CO2 saving potential Co-benefits  Cost

Support Dorset businesses to become more energy and resource efficient and to install renewable energy

Indirect, partnership/influence Medium Encourages economic sustainability, enhances health and wellbeing None
Actions for objective 5
 Actions  Action type  CO2 saving potential Co-benefits   Cost 2021-23 target 

Support businesses to become more energy and resource efficient and to install renewable energy by working with partners to expand Low Carbon Dorset programme

 Indirect  Medium Encourages economic sustainability, enhances health and wellbeing None

Low Carbon Dorset delivered by Mar 2023 & future delivery model developed
by June 2022

Actively promote best practice case studies and target key organisations who could benefit most from low carbon technologies in partnership with the LEP and business sector organisations  Partnership/influence  Medium Encourages economic sustainability None Case studies created & information 

disseminated from 2020

(10 case studies each year)