Dorset Council
Achievements during 2023 to 2024
Dorset Council continues to ensure that Making Safeguarding Personal principles are fully embedded and captured throughout all safeguarding enquiries. During 2023-24 this has included a key system change to enable individuals’ views to be evidenced at the start of their safeguarding journey, ensuring their voice is consistently heard and recorded clearly.
A specific focus has been given to ‘Transitional Safeguarding’ with the establishment of a Task and Finish group co-chaired by Adults and Children’s services. This has enabled consideration to how young adults who have experienced harm and trauma as a child can be effectively supported into adulthood to remain safe. A transitional safeguarding pathway is in development.
We continue to engage with our local communities to raise awareness of adult safeguarding and how to seek support where there are concerns that an adult with care and support needs is at risk of or is experiencing abuse and neglect. This has included the delivery of 2 community events. One in partnership with Dorset Community Action Network to engage with voluntary and community partners in the Weymouth, Portland and Dorchester area. A further event was delivered to Weldmar Trustees and Members.
Training and Development:
- 17 Essential Adult Safeguarding Skills Courses delivered throughout year to 255 attendees
- 5 Mandatory Adult Safeguarding Annual Updates delivered to 247 staff, providing a focus to local safeguarding practice, learning from SARs, whole family approaches and transitional safeguarding developments
- Housing Options Team improved its staff induction, to embed safeguarding ensuring all staff undertake safeguarding e-learning and ‘Essential Safeguarding Skills’ 1-day course, as well as the mandatory annual safeguarding updates. Safeguarding has also been added as a standalone discussion on all caseworker’s 121s to ensure that it is at the forefront of the work that officers undertake
- adult safeguarding quarterly webinars delivered to partners across the Pan Dorset region focussing on Cyber Influence and social media; the impact of Incels; Lasting Power of Attorneys (delivered by Office of the Public Guardian); Understanding Domestic Homicide Reviews and the launch of the Dorset Council, Missing Persons Protocol (developed in partnership with Dorset Police). A total of 467 colleagues have attended these webinars. A further session was also provided by REACH Drug and Alcohol Services to provide updates on the support they provide
- during National Safeguarding Adults Week (in November 2023) further webinars, delivered by Bournemouth University included positive stories from social work practice and Child and Adolescent to parent violence and abuse. A wellbeing session was also provided focusing on the importance of staff looking after themselves, in order to better look out for others
- this year’s 15th Mental Capacity Act Conference – ‘Power, Choice and Control’ was attended by over 300 delegates. Alex Ruck Keene KC (Hon) delivered a session entitled ‘Grappling with Deprivation of Liberty’ with other sessions focusing on self-neglect, coercive control and Consent and Capacity
Within the Dorset Mental Capacity Act Team there has been a 68% increase in granted Deprivation of Liberty authorisations during 2023-2024. This is positive as this ensures that vulnerable individuals are getting access to a right of appeal to challenge their deprivations.
Established mechanisms are in place between the Safeguarding service and Quality Improvement Team to work preventatively with providers promoting early intervention, sharing of concerns and to offer support to ensure services are of the expected standard.
What have the challenges been?
We have seen a further increase in the number of adult safeguarding concerns, received with an average of 120-150 each week, compared with an average 101 per week in 2022-23. Ensuring these are risk screened and responded to in a timely manner remains a priority. Undertaking proactive preventative work is key to supporting a reduction in safeguarding concerns.
We continue to strive towards improving our understanding of self-neglect to ensure that each person receives the right support from partners across the system. We have reviewed our current safeguarding team resources and established an Adult Safeguarding Self Neglect Practitioner to provide expertise and develop wider knowledge in this area.
As part of developing better relationships between colleagues in Housing and Adult Social Care we undertook a workshop to discuss the obstacles and challenges both teams face. From those discussions, ASC and Housing have agreed to jointly fund a pilot post to lead on bridging both services and attend appropriate hospital discharge meetings to ensure no delayed discharges and. This replicates the partnership working we already have in place with a similar role with Children’s Services and will improve outcomes for those people currently receiving Adult Social Care interventions.
Future organisational plans to continue work on SAB Strategic Plan priorities:
- with completion of the Transitional Safeguarding Pathway, we will work closely with Children’s Services to launch and embed the approach across Dorset. We will promote our approach locally and nationally to inform good practice and joined up working across the system. This will further embed a ‘whole family’ approach to practice across the Council and support the work of the newly launched ‘Birth to Settled Adulthood’ Team.
- preventative and community engagement events will continue throughout 2024-2025 with 2 new events being planned for the East and North of Dorset
- we will be launching quarterly Social Care Provider safeguarding webinars in June 2024 with our Quality Assurance colleagues to further embed and develop understanding and knowledge across providers. The first, co-delivered with Dorset Police will focus on Dorset Council’s Missing Person Protocol and the Police ‘Herbert’ Protocol. We will be launching new feedback opportunities for individuals and providers to enable their experiences and views to inform service development
- a review of the Safeguarding Service model will take place in 2024-2025 to ensure a fluid and flexible service can be offered to all residents across Dorset who have care and support needs
- we will continue to work closely with Integrated Care Board (ICB) colleagues and other partners to further nurture a county-wide approach to the prevention of abuse and neglect. This will incorporate our commissioning strategies and a review of the Homeless and Rough Sleeping Strategy to consider progress in key areas such as enhanced housing support and hospital settings to reduce discharge delays and the impact on patient recovery due to homelessness or unmet housing need
Dorset Police
Achievements during 2023 to 2024:
- The Safeguarding Hubs within each of the two Local Policing Areas (LPA’s) are now well embedded, allowing strong partnerships to be developed with the Local Authority teams
- we have seen examples of excellent cross-agency working in both local authority areas in response to potential adults at risk concerns, including modern slavery and vulnerable adults
What have the challenges been?:
- demand for specialist resources remains strong against a limited capacity
- The Safeguarding Hubs have seen a high turnover of resources, often as a result of internal staff promotions and other issues, which can mean having to re-train new staff and losing experience
- the understanding of data could be improved. There are difficulties in extracting data which could assist in the identification of trends and issues which may allow earlier interventions
Future organisational plans to continue work on SAB Strategic Plan priorities:
- Dorset Police will continue to deliver ‘Vulnerability’ training every year for our frontline staff. This will include a focus on being trauma informed
- Dorset Police is in the process of developing a new ‘Vulnerability Strategy’ and governance arrangements. It will use the findings of a recent review by the ‘Vulnerability Knowledge Practice Programme’ (VKPP)
Dorset Police now has a Multi-Agency Risk Management (MARM) co-ordinator role within the Safeguarding Hub and has developed a governance structure to support the partnership approach and adhere to principles and guidelines. This includes robust triage management, a process to streamline practice and meaningful supervisory oversight. This ensures a whole system approach to understand and manage risk.
NHS Dorset
Achievements during 2023 to 2024
Continued development with partners of preventative work in safeguarding.
During 2023/24, NHS Dorset worked with NHS provider partners across Dorset and BCP to provide local guidance for the management of pressure ulcers through the policies and procedures published by the SAB.
Continuing to seek assurance on safeguarding practice across system partners.
NHS Dorset helped led the quality assurance sub-group of the SAB during 2023/24. A highlight of this work during the year was a focus on improving safeguarding practice in self-neglect across system partners. NHS Dorset arranged for the development of a self-neglect dashboard by the ‘Dorset Insights and Intelligence Service’ (DiiS) to aid this work. The dashboard identifies risk factors for self-neglect in the populations of BCP and Dorset to inform the Boards’ strategy.
Assurance on delivery of ‘Making Safeguarding Personal.’
Safeguarding clinical leads from NHS Dorset undertook safeguarding insight visits during the year to acute and mental health settings and GP practices to meet frontline healthcare practitioners. These visits provided an opportunity to triangulate the assurances provided by commissioned NHS providers about their approach to MSP.
What have the challenges been?
There remain opportunities to improve the volume and quality of partnership data about safeguarding practice available to the NHS Dorset safeguarding leads. A new safeguarding insights and intelligence group was set up and facilitated by colleagues in the DiiS during the year. This has provided a forum for partners to discuss ways to improve the interconnection and flow of partnership data.
Future organisational plans to continue work on SAB Strategic Plan priorities
Whilst commissioning large-scale NHS healthcare services from NHS providers across BCP and Dorset, NHS Dorset also directly employs a small workforce of frontline staff who work with adults with needs for care and support and their families. The NHS Dorset safeguarding clinical leads will continue to provide training and supervision to these frontline staff. During 2024/25 the leads will focus on improving knowledge about strategies for working alongside people who self-neglect and embedding the principles of trauma-informed care into practice in the context of MSP.
Dorset HealthCare University NHS Foundation Trust (DHC)
Achievements during 2023 to 2024
‘Safeguarding adults’ remains a priority in service delivery and patient safety across all service areas - mental health, learning disability and community physical health services. DHC has:
- introduced ‘DASH RIC’ (Domestic Abuse Stalking and Harassment, Risk - Indicator Checklist’) and ‘Coercive and Controlling Behaviour’ training as a response to learning from Domestic Homicide Reviews
- established ‘Sexual Safety’ task and Finish Group to improve sexual safety on inpatient mental health wards as a response to NHSE national quality improvement plan
- undertaken audits and developed plans to improve practice across all inpatient settings around ‘Making Safeguarding Personal’ including the use of the Mental capacity Act 2005
What have the challenges been?:
- supporting staff to complete safeguarding training remains a priority but can be challenging when where there are vacancies or workload pressures.
- measuring the impact of learning from Safeguarding Adult Reviews on frontline practice. The embedding of the Patient Safety Incident Response Framework (PSIRF) will support this going forwards
Future organisational plans to continue work on SAB Strategic Plan priorities
Some of DHC objectives over the next year include a focus on:
- homelessness (ensure preventative multi-agency working using a contextual approach to support people)
- domestic abuse (improve understanding of DA and coercive and controlling behaviours)
- focus on preventative safeguarding work - ensuring the principles of ‘Making Safeguarding Personal’ are applied in practice and continue to embed ‘Think Family’ into practice. This Includes knowledge and practice using the Mental capacity Act 2005
DHC will also focus on:
- improving partnership working under Multi Agency Public Protection Arrangements; transitional safeguarding and improving data collection and analysis of safeguarding activity within DHC
- continue to provide quality assurance to the SAB that safeguarding priorities are in line with best practice and evidence positive outcomes for families. We will monitor our objectives to ensure they are delivered in line with the Board strategic plans through the Trust’s bimonthly Safeguarding Group and the Trust’s Quality Governance Group
Dorset County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Achievements during 2023 to 2024:
- Dorset County Hospital (DCH) throughout 2023-2024 has proactively contributed to all Safeguarding Adults Board meetings and subgroups. DCH has actively contributed to Safeguarding Adults Reviews, actioned learning and reviewed its implementation through internal audit
- to support the delivery of the safeguarding agenda within DCH, there is a clear governance framework in place. The framework provides assurance to our commissioners and to the Safeguarding Adults Board that safeguarding is a priority throughout the healthcare system
- safeguarding sits within the portfolio of Director of Nursing and Quality and forms part of the Quality Strategy. There are established links from the frontline to the Trust Board of Directors with clear reporting mechanisms in place via structured internal governance committees
- there is bespoke training for staff, supplementary to the mandatory safeguarding training, with a focus on the principle of ‘Making safeguarding Personal’ (MSP) in combination with the application of the Mental Capacity Act to safeguard patients. Inclusion of the `think family` approach is adopted throughout training and advice. The Safeguarding Team offers advice and encouragement to DCH staff to have conversations with the patients/ service users, giving them the opportunity to voice their wishes, needs and outcomes, therefore reflecting the safeguarding personal agenda
What have the challenges been?
DCH and the whole of the NHS has seen numerous challenges: staff shortages and retention, industrial action, waiting list backlog impacting on patients, financial issues, health care inequalities, social care budgetary limitations, lack of housing for patients and staff and evolving healthcare needs of an ageing population.
Future organisational plans to continue work on SAB Strategic Plan priorities
DCH has undertaken a staffing review and successfully recruited into three new roles within the safeguarding team which will offer the opportunity for qualitative project work to be undertaken, alongside operational demands. DCH has collaborated in several case management processes for Children and Young people (CYP) transitioning through to Dorset Council`s adult services. DCH has recruited a Complex Care Coordinator for CYP 0-25 who will work in conjunction with the safeguarding team to provide visible, credible professional clinical leadership, supporting the clinical management of CYP up to the age of 25yrs, with complex needs including social, emotional, and mental health needs.
University Hospitals Dorset NHS Foundation Trust (UHD)
Achievements during 2023 to 2024:
- strengthened the learning difficulties portfolio to include neurodiversity
- continue to support the wider system safeguarding agenda, working collaboratively with safeguarding partners in health, social care, and police
- continued to embed the ‘Think Family’ approach across UHD
- engaged in partnership working on the policing ‘Right Person Right Care’ model
- involved families in direct ‘lived experience’ training stories to improve care
- strengthening ‘Making Safeguarding Personal’ in training and updating our Cause for Concern form, post local audit
- achieved the Key Performance indicator for safeguarding adult level 1 and 2 training at 90%, and launched level 3 Adult training, ensuring staff are well informed on safeguarding practices
- recruitment of a perinatal mental health practitioner
What have the challenges been?:
- The Trust has been challenged with managing the Mental Capacity Act (MCA) / Deprivation of Liberties Safeguards (DoLS) interface for patients who are medically fit but detained in the hospital for their own safety. These processes are externally managed making the application of the correct framework difficult. Partnership working to resolve this issue has begun
- the rise in patients presenting with challenging behaviours has continued, resulting in high-cost agency nurse spend to support safe care delivery. A partnership project with Dorset Health Care NHS Foundation Trust, has begun to look at models of care
- the management of long length of stay ‘no criteria to reside’ patients awaiting specialist health or social care placement
Future organisational plans to continue work on SAB Strategic Plan priorities:
The key focus of the safeguarding teams at UHD will continue to be ensuring that all our staff continue to safeguard people. We will achieve this through on-going training, education and feedback to teams aligned with partnership working to meet the systems strategic plan and objectives. Key programmes of work this year include:
- models of care for mental health patients in the acute physical health setting
- furthering understanding around neurodiversity in care
- refining of referral pathways from UHD to ensure the person’s voice is heard and they receive the best fit signposting and offers of support
- Trust Board assurance on safeguarding practices will continue through internal governance
Dorset and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service (DWFRS)
Achievements during 2023 to 2024:
We are an active member of the National Fire Chiefs Council (NFCC) Safeguarding Workstream and work for this year has included: the launch of four new guidance documents:
- safeguarding children and adult’s competency framework
- managing allegations
- positive disclosure guidance
- guidance on DBS checks for specific FRS roles following the inclusion of fire and rescue authority employees in the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act (Exceptions) Order 1975
We participate in the NFCC workstream on hoarding and mental health awareness. We ensure that all training for staff is aligned to the principles of ‘Making Safeguarding Personal’. We continually exceed our training targets across all levels and referrals continue to increase each quarter which evidences that training and campaigns are effective in embedding safeguarding into the organisation. Following an increase in incidents associated with mental health, we have updated our recording systems so we can collate accurate data on incidents related to mental health and suicide to identify possible gaps in training. This is especially relevant with the introduction of Right Care Right Person.
What have the challenges been?:
Like many organisations, uncertainty around finances continues, bringing challenges and a need to find significant annual savings. That said, the organisation takes its safeguarding responsibilities seriously and has invested in the expansion of the safeguarding team to meet demands and ever-increasing referrals. Challenges when making referrals can be finding support for individuals who are self-neglecting, hoarding and/ or have substance misuse issues. Given that we are seeing an increase in incidents related to mental health, we find that timely resources are lacking which can mean fire crews being delayed at incidents where they are not the right people to be dealing with the situation. Our staff are very positive about safeguarding but receiving feedback following a referral would be beneficial so they can evidence what a difference the referral may have made to an individual.
Future organisational plans to continue work on SAB Strategic Plan priorities:
Prevention is always at the forefront of our work. We are reviewing and increasing training and resources, with a particular focus on mental health, safer recruitment, preventative work for people who use emollients and application of ‘Making Safeguarding Personal’. To support staff working at incidents with an individual in crisis, the Joint Emergency Services Interoperability Principles (JESIP) guidance has been finalised and will be implemented soon along with negotiator awareness training being delivered to our technical rescue teams. We are also looking at the possibility of accessing other emergency service mental health support desks to support crews with a timely response when FRS is the only emergency service in attendance. This will be beneficial to staff and the individual.
HMP The Verne (Prison)
Achievements during 2023 to 2024:
- despite not being funded for resettlement of prisoners we have successfully re-housed the majority of prisoners in the past year on release
- we use a multi-disciplinary approach to preparing prisoners for release, recognising that this is one of the most vulnerable times for a prisoner, Weekly re-settlement meetings are held to discuss prisoners entering release and we signpost prisoners to support services ahead of release and co-ordinate with Community Offender Managers to minimise the risk of failure
- following introduction of the Neurodiversity Support Manager Role we now have a good understanding of the needs and vulnerabilities of the prison population with approximately 34% who are Neurodivergent. This has enabled us to put reasonable adjustments and support in place for them in education, skills and work. The overall aim being to reduce the risk of reoffending and focus on the needs of a population who have high rates of self-harm and suicidal ideation within the wider service
- significant steps have been taken to up-skill staff in terms of their knowledge of Neurodiversity and make HMP The Verne ‘Neurodiversity friendly’ for prisoners and staff
- The Neurodiversity Support Manager has presented to the Dorset Domestic Abuse Forum to raise awareness of her work, which is as relevant to victims as it is to perpetrators
- The Custodial Manager for Social Care has developed a positive relationship with the Local Authority. This has led to earlier identification of the support needs of prisoners and also timely Care Act referrals and assessments
the prison’s social care unit opened this year to provide 24/7 support to prisoners with social care needs
‘Oxleas’ our Healthcare provider has employed a Senior Occupational Therapist who will help in identification of support needs and the service we are able to deliver to prisoners on-site
What have the challenges been?:
- ageing population with increasingly complex needs
- we are not currently funded to provide 24/7 nursing care or palliative support
- we are receiving prisoners much sooner after sentencing, receiving more younger prisoners, some of whom are vulnerable and susceptible to areas of risk such as grooming, county lines and have a history of substance misuse
- population of IPP (Imprisonment for Public Protection) prisoners is increasing and, nationally the rates of suicide among IPP prisoners are the highest. Whilst our data shows that the Verne does not reflect the national picture, we have put in place ‘progression panels’ and a support forum to support this vulnerable population
- employment opportunities for Prisoners Convicted of Sexual Offences (PCOSO) remain a challenge. Many are housed post-release in temporary accommodation ‘Approved Premises’ and require a period of stability before they are permitted to seek work. We know that employment is a key factor in reducing re-offending on release
- high levels of self-harm among the prison population remains an ongoing area of safeguarding risk. For many prisoners this is an entrenched coping mechanism. However, the risk of accidental death during self-harm incidents remains high
- future organisational plans to continue work on SAB Strategic Plan priorities
- continue to embed staff with knowledge relating to areas of safeguarding risk i.e. grooming, self-harm, county lines
- ongoing training for staff regarding the Mental Capacity Act 2005 and Care Act 2014
- review of current Safeguarding policy to ensure that it is in line with both national and local policy and covers areas of emerging risk due to population pressure and changes in demography of the prison population
- continue to build links with the local community
HMP Portland (Prison)
Achievements during 2023 to 2024
HMP Portland continues to run a weekly ‘Release Planning Meeting’ that identifies all prisoners within 12 weeks of release and checks that either accommodation is in place, or appropriate measures have been taken, such as DTR (Duty to Refer) and CRS (Commissioned Rehabilitative Services) to ensure accommodation can be provided as soon as practicable on release. Those prisoners assessed as vulnerable are prioritised and where gaps are identified, actions are taken from the meeting to provide the necessary support. This involves multi-agency working with the Prison Offender Manager and the Community Offender Manager acting as liaison between prison and community services.
HMP Portland has successfully implemented the ECSL scheme (End of Custody Supervised Licence). ECSL is an administrative and operational scheme that enables the release of eligible prisoners for a period (the Specified ECSL Licence Period) in advance of their Conditional Release Date. Those prisoners released on ECSL will be subject to the full range of licence conditions (including good behaviour) following release.
ECSL will only apply to a specified number of establishments where local population trends indicate that maintaining safe and decent conditions and future new prisoners from courts will require the implementation of this scheme. We have worked closely with probation departments to ensure that those being released under ECSL have been done so in a safe manner. Anyone who was considered to pose a risk to themselves or others, who had Approved Premises accommodation at their conditional release date but not on their ECSL date, were kept in custody until their CRD or until the bed could be brought forward.
The Community Accommodation Service level 3 has been introduced so that all prisoners will have up to 84 nights in basic accommodation provided but this is not available for those men who are released without any supervision from Probation. Those staff involved in domestic visits and family days have completed online safeguarding training.
What have the challenges been?
A shortage of staff in the Pre-Release Team and in the Offender Management Unit and a significant challenge continues to be the volume of prisoners who have been recalled to the prison who, when released at end of sentence with no Probation supervision, have very limited access to support.
HMP Portland is committed to working on this area of need to support by expanding the Pre-Release on supervision and escalate to a manager in the community when support is not being provided leading up to release. Continual changes to early release schemes have put pressure on probation, prison offender managers and pre-release teams due to tight timeframes in which individuals must be released. HMP Portland has developed a working group and strategies to support the safe release, with the pre-release team commencing work earlier than the 12 week point to ensure that all individuals are captured.
Future organisational plans to continue work on SAB Strategic Plan priorities:
- homelessness: lack of suitable accommodation on release has been shown to have a direct impact on mental health, likelihood of reoffending, risk of self-harm, drug and alcohol misuse etc
- there are many measures in place within the prison to support vulnerable adults such as the CSIP (Challenge, Support and Intervention Plan), SIM (Safety Intervention Meeting), ACCT (Assessment, Care in Custody and Teamwork) document. However, where support is not there in the community, other agencies are hampered when someone has no fixed abode
- continue information sharing with external partners on individual risk to ensure safeguarding measures are in place both in custody and upon release
- the introduction of resettlement fayres which involve numerous external agencies and employers. These fayres can be accessed by those working towards release
Dorset Probation Service
Achievements during 2023 to 2024:
- we have ensured that all practitioner staff in Dorset have undertaken training and have an understanding of the Multi-Agency Risk Management (MARM) process and that it is considered for all appropriate cases
- all staff are required to complete mandatory training on adult safeguarding. We have also raised awareness amongst middle managers in the organisation to ensure that they are aware when consideration of a Safeguarding Adult Review (SAR) referral should be made. Learning from a SAR was utilised as part of a MAPPA (Multi Agency Public Protection Arrangements) development conference which received positive feedback from attendees
What have the challenges been?:
Ensuring continuity of care within a criminal justice system can be a challenge particularly as some people are placed in prisons outside of the Dorset area and may be assessed in other areas of the country. Prison capacity concerns has meant we’ve seen people released with less time to prepare for release which has been a challenge when there are needs such as social care to coordinate.
Future organisational plans to continue work on SAB Strategic Plan priorities:
- we are going to promote stronger awareness of the needs and challenges related to adult safeguarding in the Criminal Justice System and improve collaboration from all partners. This will include contributing to an extraordinary board meeting of the Adult Safeguarding Board focused on Criminal Justice topics and learning
- we aim to present learning on developing more efficient working within the MAPPA process, overcome challenges relating to managing a higher proportion of people with social care needs both in prison and the community and raising awareness of the roles such as that of the Health and Justice Coordinator in Probation
South Western Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust (SWASFT)
Achievements during 2023 to 2024:
Effective Governance - Safeguarding Team Governance processes have been enhanced to include a Safeguarding Committee meeting bi-monthly to monitor safeguarding activity and provide assurance on safeguarding practice. The Safeguarding Committee reports to the Quality Committee providing assurance and raising issues for escalation. The Quality Committee reports into the Trust Board. Safeguarding reports are provided to commissioners via NHS Dorset Integrated Care Board (ICB) and The Head of Safeguarding from Dorset is a member of the Safeguarding Committee
Effective Learning - In late 2023 a review of SWASFT safeguarding training was completed by independent reviewers. The review identified the need to strengthen safeguarding training and to undertake a Training Needs Analysis to review training provided to each staff group. This action has been completed and a revised training offer is in place for 2024/25 which includes an additional 4.5 hour face-to-face safeguarding training on the development days, bespoke face to face training for the Emergency Operations Centres and enhanced two-day level 3 safeguarding training for identified senior staff groups. The delivery of formal training will also be supported by ad-hoc learning opportunities, digital learning resources, bespoke targeted training sessions and the provision of safeguarding supervision by the Safeguarding Specialists
Effective Prevention and Protection - The safeguarding team has undertaken a full review of all referral forms, revised to ensure they align to the Care Act, and to provide local authority colleagues with the information they require to facilitate triage of Safeguarding Concerns raised. These also support SWASFT staff in raising high quality referrals and increase availability of data to support assurance reporting, audit and team learning and development
What have the challenges been?
SWASFT safeguarding team had limited resource and capacity during 2023/24. This, coupled with a manual referral system handling approx. 51,000 referrals in the year across the whole SW region made it challenging for the team to progress with service improvement and to be a visible partner in the wider system. This has improved following the recruitment of a permanent Head of Safeguarding, a Deputy and an additional 5 Safeguarding specialists
Future organisational plans to continue work on SAB Strategic Plan priorities
SWASFT safeguarding improvement plan was developed following an independent review of safeguarding during 2023/24. Our plan is framed around 5 key deliverables which closely align to the SABs strategic plan. These are robust governance, assurance and reporting; Safeguarding team capacity, a new safeguarding referral system, data capture, audit and learning from incidents; and safeguarding education and supervision.