Foreword, Cllr Jill Haynes Portfolio Holder for Corporate Development and Transformation Dorset Council
I am really pleased to present and support Dorset Council’s first Digital infrastructure and Inclusion Strategy.
Digital connectivity is a key foundation for the future of our county. Digital underpins and influences all our personal lives, communities and economy. It is essential we promote and enable first-class digital infrastructure to achieve the widespread adoption of digital technologies.
This is a major infrastructure programme, as vital to 21st century Dorset as the roads and railways were to our predecessors. We acknowledge that building modern telecoms infrastructure is technical, challenging and often expensive. True partnership with Government, industry, public sector partners and our communities will be needed to build the infrastructure needed to transform our society; but build it we must.
Current commercial digital infrastructure expansion is welcomed and significant in Dorset. Government investment and co-investment in broadband infrastructure will help target and support our rural communities. Even with these meaningful programmes and best intentions Dorset continues to lag behind the rest of the UK and the promise of good mobile connectivity remains a long way from people’s lived experience.
Whilst many of us take for granted access to the internet and the opportunities it brings, sadly many are not able to partake in the digital society. That exclusion is damaging to individuals and to our economy. Digital exclusion often aligns with other indicators of deprivation; transforming our health and care services digitally goes hand in hand with a relentless focus on reducing our off-line population.
This strategy marks a watershed in our ambition. Digital transformation and digital infrastructure are already well-referenced in Dorset Council’s strategy and plans including the Council Plan, Digital Vision and Economic Growth Strategy. We have made good progress in relation to the actions that flow from those strategies. However, we recognise that there is much more to do:
- we need to demonstrate greater leadership in our relationships to influence the market
- we need to maximise the benefit from interventions available to us (such as Project Gigabit) and maximise government grant, where available
- we need to explore more radical and innovative solutions if we are to meet our ambitions
This is not only about infrastructure to enable clean, inclusive growth and prosperity, but also about raising the prospects of those who are struggling to make digital Dorset a great place to live, work and visit. The vision for Dorset is that in this increasingly digital modern world no place, no community, no individual will be left behind.
Thank you to fellow councillors, officers, community stakeholders and industry for working with us to put this strategy together.
Cllr Jill Haynes Portfolio Holder for Corporate Development and Transformation Dorset Council