Dorset Post 16 Transport Support Policy 2023 to 2024

Last updated 13 July 2024

Post 16 provision

The Education and Skills Act 2008, states that young people are required to stay in education, training or enter employment until they are 18.

When making decisions about which course, school or college to attend parents/students must consider:

  • the different modes of transport available to them
  • the timings for arrival and departure
  • how much it will cost them

There is no automatic entitlement to home to school or college transport once a student is over 16 even if free transport has been provided in the past.

Dorset Council is committed to supporting Young People in accessing Post 16 education and training and in addition have put the following provision in place to support this.

School sixth form transport

All School Transport into Mainstream Dorset Schools that have 6th Form provision is provided by independent bus companies.

If you wish to purchase a seat on one of these services, you are required to contact the bus company directly. The availability and charges are at the discretion of the relevant bus companies.


  • Blandford School
  • Ferndown Upper School
  • Queen Elizabeth School
  • Lytchett Minster School
  • Purbeck School
  • Shaftesbury School
  • Thomas Hardye School
  • Allenbourn Middle School
  • Dorchester Middle School
  • Ferndown Middle School
  • St Michaels Middle School
  • West Moors Middle School


  • Go South Coast (operating as Morebus and Damory)

Contact details:

tel: 01202 338420


  • Beaminster School
  • Sir John Colfox School
  • Woodroffe School


  • First Wessex

Contact details:


  • Sturminster Newton School


  • Vale Coaches

Contact details:


  • Gillingham School
  • Gryphon School


South West Coaches

Contact details:


  • Budmouth College


  • Public Services provided by First Bus

Contact details:

Bursary Scheme

Each School and FE College has a Mandatory Post 16 Bursary (16-18) scheme.

Eligibility for accessing these bursaries is managed by the individual schools. Some schools also provide other forms of support for Post 16 students to assist access to their place of learning.

Please contact the school or college directly for further information and charges, see appendix a or b.

There is also further information on the Bursary Scheme through the following website

Further Education (FE) college transport

Colleges have transport routes available to help students access their course.

It is important to contact the college to find out what is available and apply to them directly as soon as possible to ensure that transport is available for the start of the course.

Those attending Post 16 FE provision may also apply for a seat under the Surplus Seat Travel Scheme, if there are routes that wholly or partially assist a young person in accessing their Post 16 place and they fulfil the criteria set out in the section 'Post 16 Reduced Rates for the Surplus Seat Travel Scheme'.

They may also qualify for further assistance under the section 'Travel assistance for students aged 16-18 with Special Educational Needs, Disabilities or Compelling Medical Circumstances'.

Contact the college to find out if there is any support available for transport from the 16-19 Bursary, see appendix b.

Apprenticeships and traineeship

If a young person is looking to engage with an Apprenticeship or traineeship, it is essential they talk to the Learning Provider who will be able to inform them of any transport assistance that may be available. Employers and Learning Providers should take into account a young person’s transport arrangements when planning any off the job training, particularly outside normal working hours, see appendix b.

If you are studying a traineeship you are also eligible for the 16-19 Bursary Scheme.


Public transport

Some local public transport operators have concessionary fares/discount schemes for students.,

These are, 

Transport Operator

First Great Western


tel:08457 000 125


Special arrangements for students

16-25 railcard

Transport Operator

Damory /Morebus


tel:01202 338420


Special arrangements for students

Transport Operator

First Group


tel:0871 200 2233


Special arrangements for students

Please contact the bus operator

Transport Operator

Transdev (Yellow Bus)


tel:01202 636110


Special arrangements for students

Please contact the bus operator

Transport Operator

South Western Railway




Cheap Train Tickets | No Booking Fees | South Western Railway

Special arrangements for students

16-25 railcard

There are some situations where a young person travelling on public transport may be entitled to a free bus pass for off peak travel if they have a disability.


Travel assistance for students aged 16-18 with special educational needs, disabilities or compelling medical circumstances

Criteria for additional support

Young people aged between 16-18 and fulfilling the criteria set out in the section 'Post 16 Reduced Rates for the Surplus Seat Travel Scheme' may also be provided with additional support when:

  • a professional assessment clearly indicates that a young person would not be able to access existing public transport routes to a place of learning because of their SEN or disability, and meet the qualifying criteria
  • a young person is within the 3 mile distance criteria of a school but a professional assessment clearly indicates that a young person would not be able to access to their place of learning because of their SEND or disability

Supplementary information

Types of assistance that may be provided are:

  • PTB’s – Personal Travel Budgets
  • Contract Bus/Council Fleet
  • Mini Bus
  • Taxi
  • Vehicle used by other council directorates
  • Fuel contribution, if it is shown to be a cost effective solution (Families should be prepared to use their own vehicle where there are no suitable or appropriate alternative arrangements in place). The rate paid to families, is for the shortest available driven route only (45p per mile x return journey/s)

The terms and conditions

Provision of dedicated transport is subject to the following conditions:

  • assisted transport will only be provided for one inward and one outward journey to/from college at the beginning and end of the college day. This may not be according to the start and finish of the timetable day
  • assisted transport will only be provided between the same pick up/drop off points each day. If other destinations are required this will be parent/carer preference which they will have to organise and pay for
  • transport is not provided for induction or taster days or work experience
  • if students move outside of the Dorset Council area part way through their course, transport assistance will cease and they must apply to their new Local Authority for assistance
  • the council expects students to travel by public transport where it is available. Independent Travel Training may enable students to progress to using buses and/or trains. Please contact the school or college who may be able to access limited funds through Dorset Council to support this activity
  • students who travel on contract bus routes or taxi with other students, have no choice as to the time for outward or return journeys

Application process

Applications for transport assistance must be received by the SEN Team Dorset Council, County Hall, Dorchester, DT1 1XJ by 31 May prior to the start of the course. A young person must re-apply for transport for each year of study.

Charges and contributions

All young people will contribute towards the cost of transport. For 2022/2023, Dorset Council has set this amount at £825.

If the family is on Maximum Working Credits or the student is entitled to free school meals, this will be reduced by 50%, consistent with the overall Post 16 Transport provision, see the following section 'Post 16 Reduced Rates for the Surplus Seat Travel Scheme'

In exceptional circumstances, the eligibility criteria with regard to ‘live over 3 miles from their nearest and/or appropriate school/college’ may be dis-applied for a young person with significant disability and/or mobility need and the contribution would be reduced by 50%.

Post 16 reduced rates for the Surplus Seat Travel Scheme

Dorset Council is committed to supporting families in accessing Post 16 education and has in addition set up the Local Authority 16+ Assistance Scheme whereby a Post 16 student can qualify for a 50% reduction in the cost of their travel pass (those passes provided by the OSOO Contractors) or a 50% reduction in the £860 contribution towards transport provided by Dorset Council.

50% reduction in not available on public transport routes or rail.

In order to qualify for assistance under the Local Authority 16+ assistance scheme all students must meet each of the following criteria:

  • be resident in the Dorset Council area
  • be under 19 on 31 August immediately preceding the start of the academic year or up to 25 if a Section139a/Education, Health and Care Plan highlights transport is a necessity
  • live over 3 miles from their nearest and/or appropriate school/college
  • be in full time education (16 hours or more over 3+ days per week)
  • and Families are in receipt of Maximum Working Tax Credit/ Universal Credit, or the student is entitled to Free School Meals
  • or the student had a compelling medical circumstance prior to post 16 which attracted transport support and a case is made for it to continue (applies to nearest school/college only and supporting evidence from the appropriate Medical Officer will always be required)
  • or the student has a compelling medical circumstance that arises during post 16 education (applies to nearest school/college only and supporting evidence from the appropriate Medical Officer will always be required

Supplementary information

  • assisted transport is only available for one inward and one outward journey to/from school/college at the beginning and end of the school/college day. This may not be according to the start and finish of the timetable day
  • assisted transport will only be provided between the same pick up/drop off points each day. If other destinations are required this will be parent/carer preference which they will have to organise and pay for
  • transport is not provided for induction or taster days or work experience
  • if students move outside of the Dorset Council area part way through their course they must apply to their new Local Authority for assistance


Regulations affecting surplus seats

Please note, at the time of updating this policy, it is the Government’s intention to enforce the Public Service Vehicle Accessibility Regulations (PSVAR) on all routes carrying paying passengers. In the context of school transport, this means surplus seat pass holders.

This will require that all paying passengers must travel on a vehicle that has suitable access for passengers with disabilities – eg low floors or wheelchair lifts. As many vehicles used on school routes, such as older coaches, do not comply with these regulations, this will mean that they cannot be used to carry paying surplus seat pass holders. This will apply to all local authorities in England, not just Dorset Council.

However, it will not affect those pupils who are currently eligible for free school transport or surplus seat holders travelling on low-floor public service buses, PSVAR-compliant coaches or smaller vehicles such as minibuses and taxis.

This is likely to have some impact on school transport operators during the 2023/24 academic year and could potentially limit the future availability of surplus seats as a result. It is unclear at the time of writing this policy what the scale and timing of this impact will be.

Post 19 transport

Under Section 508F Education Act 1996 where a Local Authority considers it necessary for a young person between 19-25 to have travel assistance (Section 139a/Education, Health and Care Plans so highlights) in order to access an education institution or training, then the LA is required to provide free travel assistance.

General terms and conditions

A travel pass (public transport) or OSOO Seat be used in the following circumstances:

  • if travelling on coaches or other contract transport arrangements, which do not involve season tickets, there will be no choice over the outward or return journey details
  • if travelling with a season ticket these are usually available for use between designated stops and journeys and at an agreed time, morning and afternoon
  • some bus operators have introduced a fare card system which allows travel in the evening and at weekends at a reduced cost. Check with your school/college or local bus operator
  • opportunities for tickets, which can be used across transport providers, are not generally available

Out of Dorset Council Area Colleges which are beyond daily travel distances

If you are attending a college that is a considerable distance away from the Dorset Council area you should enquire directly to the college about transport support arrangements. Further details can be found at:


Please refer to the Home to School Transport Policy for the complaints procedure.


The Home to School Transport Policy and the Post 16 Transport Support Policy will be reviewed on an annual basis to reflect the changes to costs associated with SSTS fares.

If further changes are required Dorset Council will consult with young people and their parents through the consultation pages contained on the council website.


Please refer to other sections within the Dorset Home to School Transport Policy for further information on:

  • methods of transport
  • journey times
  • pickup and drop off points
  • personal luggage
  • advice for parents
  • advice for children
  • complaints
  • transport appeals.

Appendix A - Schools and sixth form provision

Further information on the 16-19 Bursary scheme is available through the following website:

School address:

  • Budmouth Academy, Chickerell Road, Weymouth DT4 9SY


Travelling to/from:

  • There is a Vulnerable Student Bursary and a Discretionary Attendance Bursary. In addition students may apply for a Travel Bursary.


  • Beaminster School 6th Form


Travelling to/from:

  • The school operates a 16-19 bursary Fund to support access to Post 16 provision.


  • The Blandford School


Travelling to/from:

  • The school operates a 16-19 bursary Fund to support access to Post 16 provision

School address:

  • Ferndown Upper School, Cherry Grove, Ferndown BH22 9EY


Travelling to/from:

In addition there is the 16-19 Bursary: 16 - 19 Bursary - Ferndown Upper School Sixth Form ( – to support more general access to Post 16 but can be used in part to support transport.

School address:

Gillingham School, Hardings Lane, Gillingham SP8 4QP


Travelling to/from:

  • The school operates a 16-19 bursary Fund for its students.

School address:

The Gryphon School, Bristol Road, Sherborne, DT9 4EQ


Travelling to/from

The school operates a 16-19 bursary system to support access to Post 16 studies.

The school contracts a number of buses to transport students from the surrounding areas:

  • Route G800 – Quicksilver Pub to Gryphon via Larkhill Route
  • Route G801 – Yeovil Marsh to Yeovil Hospital to The Gryphon
  • Route G858 – From the Sturminster Newton Area into the Gryphon
  • Route G802 – Queen Camel – North Cadbury – Wincanton – Templecombe

Paid seats available from Somerset - Request school transport on a paying basis (

Paid Seats from Dorset -


  • Lytchett Minster School


Travelling to/from:

  • The school operates a 16-19 bursary system to support access to Post 16 studies


  • The Purbeck School


Travelling to/from

The school operates a 16-19 bursary system to support access to Post 16 studies.

There are also details of various public routes that student can access for attendance at The Purbeck School.

  • Routes running from the Swanage Area into the Purbeck School
  • Routes running from Wool, Bovington, Lulworth
  • Routes running from Morten, Broadmayne and Knitson
  • Routes running from Weymouth & Poole

School address

Queen Elizabeth’s School, Wimborne Minster, BH21 4DT


tel: 01202 885233

Travelling to/from

QE have a 16-19 bursary scheme that will support students in accessing 6th Form provision


  • Thomas Hardye School


Travelling to/from

The Thomas Hardye School have a 16-19 bursary scheme that will support students in access


Sir John Colfox


Travelling to/from

The school manages a 16-19 bursary fund to support access to 6th Form studies.

There is transport available between Sir John Colfox School and the Yeovil College as part of the Yeovil College Partnership.


  • Shaftesbury School


Travelling to/from

Shaftesbury School manages a 16-19 bursary fund to support access to 6th Form studies.

As there is a shared 6th form provision between Shaftesbury and Sturminster Newton – there is a free bus service between the two sites.


  • Sturminster Newton High School


Travelling to/from

Sturminster Newton High School manages a 16-19 bursary fund to support access to 6th Form studies.

As there is a shared 6th form provision between Shaftesbury and Sturminster Newton – there is a free bus service between the two sites.


  • Woodroffe School Lyme Regis


Travelling to/from

The Woodroffe school manages a 16-19 bursary fund to support access to 6th Form studies.

Appendix b - Colleges

Further information on the 16-19 Bursary scheme is available through the following website:


  • Kingston Maurward College, Dorchester DT2 8PY


Travelling to/from

The College manages a 16-19 bursary fund to support access to 6th Form studies.

The College run a series of dedicated routes across the County to assist students to access their studies.

These routes are finalised on an annual basis depending on demand for each annual recruitment cycle.


Weymouth College, Cranford Avenue, Weymouth DT4 7LQ


Travelling to/from

The College manages a 16-19 bursary fund to support access to 6th Form studies.

There are a range of routes serviced by the College and other public bus providers:

  • Blandford
  • Piddlevalley, Piddlehinton, Charlton Down, Charminster
  • BCP area
  • Dorchester
  • East Dorset
  • Portland
  • West Dorset
  • Yeovil

As well as local routes in and around Weymouth itself.

Students can apply for transport assistance if they live 5 miles from the college.


Bournemouth & Poole College, North Road, Parkstone, Poole BH14 0LS




Travelling to/from

Student Financial Support

16-18 year old students Vulnerable and Discretionary Bursaries; including College Meal and Travel Support.

At Bournemouth & Poole College, we can support with the cost of your course and travel costs.

If you are a student who is either in care or leaving care, you would be eligible to apply for a vulnerable bursary, which could include a monthly payment, paid direct to you to help you with those little extras, as well as receiving a College Meal Card and Travel Pass.

Discretionary bursaries are for those students who have a lower income within their families and are currently receiving one of the benefits stated in the criteria (


Brockenhurst College, Lyndhurst Road, Brockenhurst SO4 7ZE



Website - travel 

Website - bursaries 

Travelling to/from

The College manages a 16-19 bursary fund to support access to 6th Form studies.

The College is accessible through both public and train services from Salisbury, Southampton, Isle of Wight, Bournemouth and Poole.

There are various public bus routes to access Marchwood as well.


Yeovil College, Mudford Road, Yeovil BA21 4DR




Travelling to/from

The College manages a 16-19 bursary fund to support access to 6th Form studies.

The college is accessible from both Bus and Train routes:

1. Bus - Gillingham & Shaftesbury to Yeovil – (YC1)

2. Bus - Bridport & Beaminster (YC3)

In addition there are routes from Blandford and Sturminster Newton, Dorchester, Sherborne – updated routings and timings - Plan Your Journey | Traveline


Wiltshire College Salisbury, Southampton Road, Salisbury, Wiltshire SP1 2LW



Travelling to/from

Travelling to Wiltshire College

Studying at the Chippenham Campus - Travelling to Chippenham | Wiltshire College & University Centre

The Chippenham Campus is services by both bus and rail.

Studying at the Lackham Campus - Travelling to Lackham | Wiltshire College & University Centre

The Lackham Campus is services by bus. The nearest rail service eos to Chippenham (3.5 miles)

Studying at the Trowbridge Campus - Travelling to Trowbridge | Wiltshire College & University Centre

The Chippenham Campus is services by both bus and rail.

Studying at the Salisbury Campus - Travelling to Salisbury | Wiltshire College & University Centre

The Chippenham Campus is services by both bus and rail.

For students from Dorset – there are bus routes into Salisbury from certain centres in Dorset with a range of ticket options –

Salisbury Reds - Buses across Salisbury





This policy was last reviewed in 2023. 

The next expected review date is 2024.