Our timeline for producing the Dorset Local Nature Recovery Strategy:

Timeline for producing the Dorset local nature recovery strategy

Please note some dates are indicative. The timeline will be updated with any changes. 

July 2023

Dorset Council appointed as the Responsible Authority for producing the Local Nature Recovery Strategy (LNRS) for Dorset. BCP Council and Natural England Appointed as Supporting Authorities.

September 2023 to March 2024

Stakeholder input from:

  • Dorset COP
  • Dorset Coast Forum annual conference
  • Local Nature Partnership Annual Forum
  • Making Dorset Local Nature Recovery Strategy work for farm businesses
  • Dorset Association of Town and Parish Councils

Autumn 2023 to spring 2024

Advisory groups working on:

  • draft pressures and opportunities for nature in Dorset 
  • mapping areas for nature - national importance
  • communications plan and Nature Recovery Dorset branding

Spring 2024

Analysis of outputs and feedback from engagement. Formation of the farmer clusters group.

May to June 2024

Dorset Local Nature Recovery Strategy groups propose Nature Recovery Priorities. Start preparing Nature Recovery Dorset maps.

July to September 2024

Wider engagement on the priorities, activities, and maps.

September 2024

Draft Dorset Local Nature Recovery Strategy.

October to December 2024

Formal statutory consultation on the draft Dorset Local Nature Recovery Strategy.

January to February 2025

Final draft of the Dorset Local Nature Recovery Strategy using consultation responses.

Spring to summer 2025

Sign-off and publishing of the Dorset Local Nature Recovery Strategy by Dorset Council, BCP Council and Natural England.