Dorset Council libraries have noticeboards which we use to support the promotion of library and Dorset Council services.
Noticeboard space is limited and library teams manage what is displayed.
If space permits, we may also display promotional material (posters, leaflets etc.) for community events from external organisations- subject to the criteria below.
Library teams decide what to display based on the following order of priority:
- events or promotions for library services
- promotions for other Dorset Council services
- promotion from a Dorset Council strategic partner, for example: NHS or Public Health Dorset
- promotion of a free community event run by a local community group- the event must align with our Library Strategy aim: “to enrich lives through universal access to information, knowledge, learning and literacy and culture”
- chargeable community event, if non-profit and run by a registered charity - the event must align with our Library Strategy aim: “to enrich lives through universal access to information, knowledge, learning and literacy and culture”