New fees and charges for highways services came in to effect on Tuesday 16 April 2024.


Fees and charges to licence cellars
Fees and charges to licence cellars
Activity VAT Code Fee/Charge Comments and terms
Control of construction cellars Outside Scope (T0) £87 or £114 Per application (hourly rate -dependent on level of officer required)
Control of openings to cellars Outside Scope (T0) £87 or £114 Per application (hourly rate - dependent on level of officer required)

Collision data

Fees and charges for provision of collision data
Fees and charges for collision data
Activity VAT Code Fee/Charge Comments and terms
Collision data - General public and consultant requests Standard Rate (T9) £129 Per enquiry for de-personalised accident data and/or statistics
Collision data - General public/consultant  requests - maps and automatic data Standard Rate (T9) £104 For a location map, plotting the accidents

Community and tourism signing

Fees and charges for community and tourism signing services
Fees and charges for community and tourism signing
Activity VAT Code Fee/Charge Comments and terms
Tourism signs - stage 1  - application Outside Scope (T0) £331 Minimum non refundable application fee.  Further charge will be made for actual design, manufacturing & installation of the sign.
Community signs - stage 1 - application Outside Scope (T0) £122 Minimum non refundable application fee.  Further charge will be made for actual design, manufacturing & installation of the sign
Community and tourism signs - stage 2 - provision of signs
(supplied and installed by Highways Operations)
Standard Rate (T9) At cost plus 10% administration fee Per application
Community and tourism signs - stage 3 - maintenance Standard Rate (T9) All future maintenance costs will be met by the applicant. Quote to be provided on request to the highways sign shop. If signs/posts are damaged repairs/replacement costs will be met by the applicant. Applicants are recommended to take out insurance to cover these outcomes.

Highway and land searches

Fees and charges for highway and land searches
Fees and charges for highway and land searches
Activity VAT Code Fee/Charge Comments and terms
Highway information and rights of way searches - solicitors and professionals Standard rate (T9) £37 Per application.
Common land registry and town/village green registry enquiries Standard rate (T9) £37 Per enquiry.
Highway information and rights of way searches - personal search enquiries Standard rate (T9) £16 Per enquiry. Usually seven questions per search. £5 administration fee applicable for personal search companies. Cost for District/Boroughs and personal search companies.
Stopping up of Highway or PROW Outside scope (T0) £4,200 (on average) Each application is different although we generally advise a £4,000 starting price for an unopposed application which could go upwards 
Technical responses to land searches (private street works) Standard rate (T9) £41, £61, £73 Per application (hourly rate - dependent on level of officer required)

Highway obstructions

Fees and charges for licencing obstructions on or over the highway
Fees and charges for licencing obstruction on or over the highway
Activity VAT Code Fee/Charge Comments and terms
Supply of no waiting cones

Standard rate (T9)

  • up to 25 cones £53
  • per cone (over 25) £2
  • per cone to buy £8
  • 0 to 5 miles delivery £28
  • 5 to 10 miles delivery £52
  • more than 10 miles £78
Require one weeks notice.
Cones are not legally enforceable.
No charge for pick up, but a charge for delivery of cones.
Cones not returned or damaged will be charged at buying cost.
Placing a skip on the highway Outside Scope (T0) £84 14 day licence period
Erect scaffolding on the highway Outside Scope (T0) £84 28 day licence period
Temporary deposit of materials on the highway - Section 171 of the Highways Act Outside Scope (T0) £84 28 day licence period
Renewal of skip, scaffold or materials licence Outside Scope (T0) £42 50% of original licence period.
Non removal of skip, scaffold or materials at end of licence period Outside Scope (T0) £84 Per offence
Highway enforcement inspections Outside Scope (T0) £69 Per inspection
Removal of other highway obstructions - Section 115 of the Highways Act Outside Scope (T0) £69 Per obstruction
Storage of illegal signs and other highway obstructions Standard Rate (T9) £2 Per sign, per day
Erect hoarding Outside Scope (T0) £69 28 day licence period
Inspection of hoardings Outside Scope (T0) £69 Per inspection
Renewal of hoardings Outside Scope (T0) £69 Per renewal.
Sitting out licence/cafe furniture - new licence Outside Scope (T0) £100 Per application. 12 month licence period.
Sitting out licence renewal Outside Scope (T0) £100 Per application. 12 month licence period.
New application - General licensing of private infrastructure on the highway (e.g. planters, statues) Outside Scope (T0) £356 Per application
Renewal - General licensing of private infrastructure on the highway (e.g. planters, statues) Outside Scope (T0) £214 Per application
Structures over the highway - including cranes, cables and banners Outside Scope (T0) £51 Per hour, per application. Free to charities
Opening of highway for works other than street works (vehicle crossings, etc) - Section 171 Outside Scope (T0) £348 Per application. Application fee includes three site visits to inspect the location before, during and after the work is carried out. If we carry out the work on your behalf, a percentage of the fee will be incorporated within the overall cost of the works - as inspections will be carried out internally
Licences to cultivate the highway - planting trees and shrubs Outside Scope (T0) £85 Per application

Highway planning and development works

Fees and charges for highway planning and development works
Fees and charges for highway planning and development works
Activity VAT Code Fee/Charge Comments and terms
Section 38 Agreement - Highways Act

Outside Scope (T0)

  • Non-signal schemes under £100,000: £3,308
  • Non-signal schemes over £100,000: £6,615

Per application / initial non-refundable deposit. Total Project Administration Fee - 8.5% of the default cost plus the actual cost of any additional structural design checking.

Note: commuted sums may also be levied in accordance with Dorset Council's guidance on Commuted Sums.

Extension of existing Section 38 Agreement - Highways Act Outside Scope (T0) £337 Per application. In addition to the extension fee an estimated charge will be made for further inspections depending on the stage and duration of further construction works. Any balance/over estimate will be returned at final completion.
Section 278 Agreement - Highways Act Outside Scope (T0)
  • Non-signal schemes under £100,000: £3,008
  • Non-signal schemes over £100,000: £6,615
  • Signal schemes under £100,000: £5,113
  • Signal schemes over £100,000: £11,025
Total Project Administration Fee4.5% of the default works cost plus actual cost of design checking, and site inspections.

Note; commuted sums may also be levied in accordance with Dorset Council's guidance on Commuted Sums.
Section 278 Agreement - Highways Act
Minor works agreement
Outside Scope (T0) £1,654 Or at least 9% of the estimated construction cost. Per application, plus legal costs where land dedication is necessary
Section 219-225 Advance Payment Code - Highways Act
Private roads - Technical approval of non adoptable specification
Outside Scope (T0) 4% of the default works cost plus the actual cost of any further non-standard design checking Per application
Section 219-225 Advance Payment Code - Highways Act
Private roads - Technical approval of adoptable specification
Outside Scope (T0) 9% of the default cost plus the actual cost of any additional structural design checking Per application
Land drainage consent under the Flood and Water Management Act Outside Scope (T0) £52.50 Per application, fixed by central government.
Pre-planning application advice for surface water (strategic development) Standard Rate (T9)
  • Site screening: £231
  • Written advice: £577.50
  • Meeting and writing advice: £866.25

Subsequent advice on amendments:

  • Written: £231
  • Meeting and written: £462

Per Application.

40 or more dwellings. Site area more than 1.0 ha. More than 2500m (squared) floor space

Pre-planning application advice for surface water (major development) Standard Rate (T9)
  • Site Screening: £115
  • Written Advice: £288.75
  • Meeting & Written Advice: £577.50

Subsequent Advice on Amendments:

  • Written: £115.50
  • Meeting & Written: £346.50
10 or more dwellings
Site area more than 0.5ha where number of dwellings unknown
More than 1000m (squared) floor space
Freedom of Information (FOI) Requests If a public authority supplies information that it is not obliged by this Act or by other statutory requirements to provide, the supply is standard rated (T9).
If the only source of information is the public authority to which the request is made, then the charges for providing the information can be treated as outside scope (T0).
£473 to £972 Per application for over 18 hours work.
£450 minimum threshold.
£25 per hour of officer time.
More information available:  Access to information - fees policy
Transport development pre-application advice (residential development) Standard Rate (T9)
  • 1 to 9 dwellings: £386
  • 10 to 49 dwellings: £827
  • 50 to 80 dwellings: £1,323
  • More than 81 dwellings: £2,205
Fees are determined according to the type and scale of proposed development. For mixed-use development or if your proposal does not fit the categories listed, please contact the Transport Development Management team for further advice.
Transport development pre-application advice (Commercial and retail development) Standard rate (T9)
  • Up to 100m (squared): £386
  • 101 to 500m (squared): £827
  • 501 to 1,999m (squared): £1,323
  • More than 2000m (squared): £2,205
Fees are determined according to the type and scale of proposed development. For mixed-use development or if your proposal does not fit the categories listed, please contact the Transport Development Management team for further advice.

New Road and Street Works Act (NRSWA), Section 50 and road space

Fees and charges for licencing activities, inspections and penalties under the New Road and Street Works Act (NRSWA), Section 50 and road space
Fees and charges for licencing activities, inspections and penalties under the New Road and Street Works Act (NRSWA)
Activity VAT Code Fee/Charge Comments and terms
Street Works - Installation of new service (section 50 licences) Outside Scope (T0) £562 Per application. 

Up to 200m and one per each unique street reference number (USRN). Additional £150 per each 200m above the initial 200m. One application per each USRN.

Street Works - Repair of service (section 50 licences) Outside Scope (T0) £352 Per application
NRSWA ad-hoc inspection fees Outside Scope (T0) £50 Per inspection
NRSWA defective reinstatements Outside Scope (T0) £48 First site visit - higher charge for subsequent visits
NRSWA sec 74 charges Outside Scope (T0) £100 to £10,000 Per day, cost depends on different types of work & road category
Road space booking for USRN (unique street reference number) Outside Scope (T0)
  • First USRN £25
  • Per Extra USRN £1
Per application

Parking bays, waivers and permits

Fees and charges for parking bays, waivers and permits
Fees and charges for parking bays, waivers and permits
Activity VAT Code Fee/Charge Comments and terms
Disabled parking bays Outside Scope (T0) £254 Per application
Residents only parking permits Outside Scope (T0)
(Only If On-Street, Standard Rate if Off-Street)
  • 12 months: £80
  • 6 months: £45
Per permit
Visitors parking permits Outside Scope (T0)
(Only If On-Street, Standard Rate if Off-Street)
£20 per 20 permits Per book of 20

Concession charge of £10 for people aged over 60.
Within DCC operational area
Health care permits - registered care works (on street parking) Outside Scope (T0) (Only If On-Street, Standard Rate if Off-Street) £14 Per permit (12 month duration)
Builders Parking Waivers Outside Scope (T0)
(Only If On-Street, Standard Rate if Off-Street)
£15 per day Per waiver, per day
Provision of white lines - drive access protection (5m length) Outside Scope (T0) £226 Per application.
Licence for works (compounds, skips etc.) Outside Scope (T0) (Only if On-Street, Standard Rate if Off-Street)
  • £48 per three days per space
  • £95 per seven days per space
Per day, per space, per request
Concessionary use of a car park (events) - off street Outside Scope (T0) (Only if On-Street, Standard Rate if Off-Street) 100% of car park full occupancy cost, super peak (Dorset school holidays), 75% of car park full occupancy cost, peak rate (April to October* inclusive)  50% of car park full rate off peak (November to March* inclusive) to include registered charities all year round Excluding super peak times which would incur 100% cost of car park occupancy. Super Peak times will be inline with Dorset Council published term time holidays.

Traffic counting and noise surveys

Fees and charges for traffic counting and data
Activity VAT Code Fee/Charge Comments and terms
Traffic counting equipment on the highway licence Outside scope (T0) £105

Charge is made for each street (Unique Street Reference Number) where equipment is to be placed.

Unauthorised equipment will be removed, returnable upon payment of a licence fee.

Several conditions to be met before consent is given.

Licence is valid for a maximum of 14 days.

Manual traffic counts - 4/5 arm junction or roundabout Standard Rate (T9) £189

Per 12 hour day. Fees may be subject to change dependant on amount/type of data requested.

For existing data, new surveys are quoted on application.

Manual traffic counts - 3 arm junction or roundabout Standard Rate (T9) £158

Per 12 hour day. As above, fees may be subject to change

For existing data, new surveys are quoted on application.

Manual traffic counts - link count Standard Rate (T9) £126

Per 12 hour day. As above, fees may be subject to change

For existing data, new surveys are quoted on application.

Automatic traffic counts - up to 2 weeks per site Standard Rate (T9) £126

Per site. Additional data is charged at £50 per week. As above, fees may be subject to change.

For existing data, new surveys are quoted on application.

Traffic counts - any data over 6 years old Standard Rate (T9) £63

Per application. Per survey or up to 2 weeks automatic count data. As above, fees may be subject to change.

For existing data, new surveys are quoted on application.

Supply of noise data to third parties Standard Rate (T9) £40, £62 or £81 Per hour, per application (historic data.) Approximately two hours work required. New noise surveys can be carried out on request with charges calculated on an individual basis.

Traffic Regulation Orders - permanent and temporary

Fees and charges for Traffic Regulation Orders - permanent and temporary
Fees and charges for Traffic Regulation Orders - permanent and temporary
Activity VAT Code Fee/Charge Comments and terms
Provision of (Permanent) Traffic Regulation Orders (TRO) Standard Rate (T9) £3,150 Per TRO
Temporary Traffic Regulation Orders (including advertising) where standard notice is given Outside Scope (T0) £1,481 Per TTRO, includes administration fee and advertising costs. (When standard 12 weeks or more notice is given).
Temporary Traffic Regulation Orders (including advertising) - where applications are received with less than 12 weeks notice Outside Scope (T0) £1,764 Per TTRO, includes administration fee and advertising costs. (Applications should be submitted 12 weeks in advance. Applications with less than 12 weeks notice, impact on resources and coordination of work.)
Temporary Traffic Regulation Notice (TTRN) for planned works up to five days - where standard notice is given Outside Scope (T0) £531 Per TTRN. (When standard 12 weeks or more notice is given)
Temporary Traffic Regulation Notice (TTRN) for planned works up to five days - where applications are received with less than 12 weeks notice Outside Scope (T0) £819 Per TTRN. (Applications should be submitted 12 weeks in advance. Applications with less than 12 weeks notice, impact on resources and coordination of work.)
Temporary Traffic Regulation Notice (TTRN) for emergency works for up to 21 days Outside Scope (T0) £531 Per TTRN
Temporary Traffic Regulation Notice (TTRN) for short duration emergency works less than 24 hours Outside Scope (T0) £378 Per TTRN
Extension to duration or cancellation of TTRN/TTRO Outside Scope (T0) £231 Plus any advertising costs if incurred. In the case of cancellation, this is dependant on how far an application has progressed.
Temporary parking suspension fee Outside Scope (T0) £121 Covers the cost of sign making/deployment for suspension boards. These signs need to be placed to enable the bays to be enforceable by Civil Enforcement Officers. Cost allocated based on current staff time, vehicle and manufacturing costs.
Temporary Traffic Regulation Order for special commercial events Outside Scope (T0)
  • Major Event £508
  • Significant Event £389
  • Minor Event £310
  • Small Event £247
Per event - advertising costs may be added if the event needs advertising.
Temporary Traffic Regulation Order for special 'not for profit organisation' events Outside Scope (T0)
  • Major Event £242
  • Significant Event £195
  • Minor Event £158
  • Small Event £79
Per event - advertising costs may be added if the event needs advertising.
Temporary Traffic Regulation Order for special charitable or ceremonial events Outside Scope (T0)
  • Major Event £184
  • Significant Event £137
  • Minor Event £100
  • Small Event £27
Per event - advertising costs may be added if the event needs advertising.

Traffic signals and control

Fees and charges for traffic signals and control
Fees and charges for traffic signals and control
Activity VAT Code Fee/Charge Comments and terms
Traffic Signals - Letter to solicitor Standard Rate (T9) £182 Per application
Traffic Signals - Plans and timings to solicitor Standard Rate (T9) £182 Per application (discount for both plans and timings combined)
Traffic Signals - Plans to solicitor Standard Rate (T9) £95 Per application
Traffic Signals - Timings to solicitor Standard Rate (T9) £95 Per application
Traffic signals - 1E document Standard Rate (T9) £157 Per application
Traffic Control Centre mobilisation for events Outside Scope (T0) £47, £62 or £81 Per hour, rate dependent on level of officer required.

Vehicle crossings (dropped kerbs)

Fees and charges for vehicle crossings
Fees and charges for vehicle crossings
Activity VAT Code Fee/Charge Comments and terms
Vehicles crossing over footways and verges - Section 184 of the Highways Act (dropped kerbs) Outside Scope (T0) £348 Per application. Application fee includes 3 site visits to inspect the location before, during and after the work is carried out. If we carry out the work on your behalf, a percentage of the fee will be incorporated within the overall cost of the works - as inspections will be carried out internally.

Vehicle inspection, testing and services

Fees and charges for vehicle inspection, testing and services
Fees and charges for vehicle inspection, testing and services
Activity VAT Code Fee/Charge Comments and terms
Vehicle MOT's Outside Scope (T0)
  • Class 1 and 2: £31.13
  • Class 4: £52.50
  • Class 4: (over 6 metres): £57.59
  • Class 5 and class 5 (bus): £62.53
  • Class 5 (bus, more than 16 seats): £84.68
  • Class 7: £61.53
Retail fees. Per MOT
Vehicle repairs & maintenance Standard Rate (T9) £72.77 Per hour, plus parts
Vehicle servicing Standard Rate (T9) £72.77 Per hour, plus parts
Vehicle fabrication Standard Rate (T9) £72.77 Per hour, plus parts
Vehicle inspections Standard Rate (T9) £72.77 Per hour (unless signed up to minibus inspection scheme)
Minibus inspection scheme for schools and academies Standard Rate (T9) £425.57 Annual service level agreement