Results of the Corfe Mullen Town Council election on 23 November 2023

View the results of the Corfe Mullen Town Council election on 23 November 2023.

Number of votes received per candidate

Candidate Description (if any) Number of votes*
BONHAM Jacqueline Anne   516
HARDY Lee Charles Independent 517 ELECTED

Following an equality of votes, lots were drawn and, as a consequence, an additional vote was allotted to candidate Lee Charles Hardy.

* If elected the word "ELECTED" appears against the number of votes.

Number of ballot papers rejected

Reason Number rejected

Want of an official mark


Voting for more candidates than voter was entitled to 


Writing or mark by which voter could be identified


Being unmarked or wholly void for uncertainty


Rejected in part




Number of vacant seats, electorate, ballot papers issued and turnout

  • vacant seats: 1
  • electorate: 7984
  • ballot papers issued: 1039
  • turnout: 13%