The period for making initial submissions/representations in the Community Governance Review closed on 28 October 2021.

You can view the initial submissions/representations received from town and parish councils, other organisations and members of the public. Supporting information/accompanying documentation to submissions is referenced in this document and can be accessed below:

  1. Blandford Town Council response
  2. Blandford St Mary Parish Council response
  3. Bryanston Parish Council response
  4. Tarrant Launceston and Monkton Parish Council response
  5. Bridport Town Council response
  6. Bridport Town Council response - ward 1 West Bridport and Allington 
  7. Bridport Town Council response - ward 2 Bridport Central
  8. Bridport Town Council response - ward 3 Bradpole
  9. Bridport Town Council response - ward 4 Bothenhampton and Walditch
  10. Bridport Town Council response - ward 5 West Bay
  11. Bridport Town Council response - written representations received 
  12. Allington Parish Council response
  13. Symondsbury Parish Council response 
  14. Symondsbury Parish Council response - plan of overall proposed boundary changes
  15. Symondsbury Parish Council response - plan - West Cliff
  16. Symondsbury Parish Council response - plan - Vearse Farm
  17. Symondsbury Parish Council response - plan - Pymore
  18. Bothenhampton and Walditch Parish Council - Chairman's response 
  19. Bradpole Parish Council response 
  20. Loders Parish Councillor response 
  21. Loders Parish Councillor response 
  22. Burton Bradstock Parish Council response 
  23. Member of the public response - Bradpole
  24. Broadmayne Parish Council response 
  25. Chesil Bank Parish Council response
  26. Chetnole and Stockwood Parish Council response 
  27. Colehill Parish Councillor response 
  28. Colehill Parish Councillor response 
  29. Holt Parish Council response 
  30. Furzehill Residents Association response 
  31. Gillingham Town Council response 
  32. Hilton Parish Council response 
  33. Member of the public response - Frome Vauchurch  
  34. Moreton Parish Council response
  35. Netherbury Parish Council response
  36. Loders Parish Council response 
  37. Vale of Allen Parish Council response
  38. Vale of Allen Parish Council response - Witchampton Crichel
  39. Vale of Allen Parish Council response - Witchampton - Bradford
  40. Vale of Allen Parish Council response - document "20211022_161340"
  41. Weymouth Town Council response 
  42. Weymouth Town Council response - summary of discussions with neighbouring parishes
  43. Weymouth Town Council response - warding - abandoned ideas
  44. Weymouth Town Council response - warding final
  45. Weymouth Town Council response - warding final
  46. Wimborne Town Council response 
  47. Wimborne Town Council response 
  48. Wimborne Town Council response 
  49. Winterborne Farringdon Parish Council response
  50. Winterborne St Martin Parish Council response

Following consideration of the submissions made, a report of draft recommendations will be considered by Full Council at its meeting on 15 February 2022.