The CAT application is a two-stage process:
- Expression of interest application form
- Business case
Stage 1: Expression of interest application form
This sets out the following information which will enable Dorset Council to make an initial assessment on whether the asset is potentially suitable for transfer and if the organisations and proposed use meets the eligibility criteria.
- who is applying for the CAT
- information on the organisation
- what asset is being applied for
- basic details on the asset (Land Registry No, location plan)
- proposed use of the asset
- benefit of the asset being transferred
Dorset Council will then carry out initial checks including but not limited to:
- is the asset owned by Dorset Council and any restrictions on ownership?
- is the asset potentially eligible for CAT?
- is the organisation eligible for CAT?
- does the proposed use meet the criteria of CAT policy?
The applicant will be notified whether their application has passed stage 1 within two months of their application being received.
If the application did not pass stage 1, they will be provided with the reasons behind this decision.
If the application passes stage 1, they will be asked to prepare a business case as stage 2 of their application.
There is no charge for this initial expression of interest.
Stage 2: Business case
There is a template business case and guidance which we would ask applicants who pass stage 1 to complete so we can fully assess their application for CAT.
This will set out how the asset will be used, the social, economic, environmental and well-being benefits of the asset being transferred, ability to maintain and manage the asset, etc.
A robust business plan is key for organisations to demonstrate their ability to successfully operate an asset and deliver the proposed community benefits.
The Business case will be assessed on how it will benefit the community and Dorset Council will liaise with local Councillors and other departments within Dorset Council for their views on the proposed transfer.
Dorset Council will also have to value the asset.
The application will be assessed in accordance with the assessment criteria and a recommendation report will be produced which will set out the details of the proposal and make recommendations regarding whether a transfer should be made, what type of transfer and any conditions recommended.
The council may need to balance the competing interests for community groups and an assessment will need to be made as to the option that will deliver most sustainable benefit to the local community.
In order to help organisations complete the business case we can, if requested and appropriate, supply relevant information that we hold i.e. maintenance costs, value of asset, any condition reports etc.
This recommendation report will be taken through the council's usual property disposals decision making process in line with the scheme of delegation which will vary depending on the value of the asset being transferred.
This means that any assets valued over £500k will need to go to cabinet for sign off if asset transfer is recommended.
Assets under £500k will go to the relevant Asset Management Group monthly meeting where senior managers from multiple departments will approve or refuse the application.
Dorset Council reserve the right to charge for the Business Case Application to cover the cost of valuation of the asset and officer time and resources to assess the application including legal work.
The level of the fee will be indicated at the commencement of Stage 2.
If your application is successful, you will also need to pay the council’s legal fees to transfer the asset which will be between £750 and £1500.
Organisations will be responsible for their own due diligence in relation to taking on any asset.
If we do not receive a business case within six months of an applicant being notified of their Expression of Interest ((EOI) stage 1 application) being successful we will close the application.
We aim to assess business cases with three months of receiving them. However, if the asset is high value, it may take longer than this to make its way through the approvals process (Cabinet). Applicants will be kept informed on the status of their application and the recommendations being presented.
If an application is successful and transfer is agreed, then this will be actioned by Dorset Council Estates & Legal teams.
Target timescale for this to be 12 weeks from decision however this will depend on the type of transfer and the legal work required.