What services are being provided in Children's Services SEND

Special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), Children’s Services.


Services we provide in SEND, Children's Services

Locality SEND Teams

Children and young people (CYP) with a learning disability who need more support than their educational setting can provide with the resources may benefit from provision set out in an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP) which is funded through the Local Authority (LA).

The LA will determine through a Request for Needs Assessment whether an assessment is required. If an assessment is appropriate then advice will be collected from professionals. The assessment can be received from a parent, a young person over the age of 16, or a person acting on behalf of an educational setting. The LA will gather information about the CYP from a variety of sources.

An assessment will not always lead to an EHC plan if the LA decide the needs can be met by the educational setting with current resource.

If an EHCP is agreed the LA will draft a Plan and when confirmed, a Final EHCP. 

EHCPl are reviewed at least every 12 months and the LA will update the EHCP if the amendments are appropriate.

The LA will monitor the cases and provision.

Specialist Teaching and Advice Services (Behaviour Support Service, Hearing Support Services, Vision Support Services, SEN Specialist Services, Best Start in Life Adviser, Physical Medical Needs Service) – Statutory/Non- Statutory Functions

Some services offer direct specialist teaching for identified pupils as well as advisory support to schools and settings to achieve effective inclusive practice for all pupils who have specific and or complex special educational needs. 

Services provided include diagnostic assessment and post assessment advice to schools:

  • feedback
  • liaison and programme planning
  • provision of specialist professional support and advice to pupils
  • educational settings and the local authority in specific areas of SEND
  • training packages for schools and settings. 

Some services are available to schools on a traded basis. 

Educational Psychology Services (EPS)  statutory and non-statutory functions

The statutory and non-statutory functions are:

  • children and young people and their families may be entitled to receive educational psychology service support - all publicly funded schools have a link educational psychologist and provide at least one planning meeting a year
  • psychological advice towards an EHC Needs assessment including gathering of relevant information about the child or young person’s needs and strengths and writing a report providing advice in relation to provision
  • contributing towards multi-agency assessments for complex cases at the request of a consultant paediatrician or consultant psychiatrist where CYP are undergoing an assessment as part of the Development and Behaviour Pathway
  • psychological advice and acting as a witness for the LA in SEND tribunals
  • safeguarding and educational visits for CYP who are placed in residential education settings outside Dorset 
  • monthly team supervision to the DC residential home for children with learning disabilities Link educational psychologist to the Virtual School for Looked After Children Critical Incident and Sad Event Support to schools and Dorset educational settings
  • provide direct support to schools where DC are commissioning specialist provision specifically for CYP with SEMH needs and CCN
  • provide support and implement commissioned project work in relation to Resilience, Attachment Friendly Schools, Autism Friendly Schools, Person Centred Approaches
  • deliver training for individual schools, centrally for school staff and Children's workforce
  • provide supervision to the DC complaints team and other teams when requested - attendance at meetings and direct intervention where there are significant concerns about current placement or the CYP is at risk of exclusion
  • facilitating Multi-Agency Planning and Problem Solving (MAPPS) meetings when directed by LA
  • attending SENCO area meetings and other Dorset Inclusion meetings

Dorset Education Advice Line (DEAL)

DEAL provides help on education-related matters for children who have special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).

DEAL is not a referral process but a service that enables an early conversation to help guide parents, carers and professionals through the graduated approach and the Local Offer.

The service provides support for educational matters for children and young people with SEND, their parents, carers and professionals in regard to:

  • academic development
  • social and emotional development
  • transition concerns

What personal information we need from you

The personal information we may need from you or your CYP consists of:

  • name
  • address
  • postcode
  • email address
  • telephone numbers
  • contact details 
  • NHS Number
  • education information
  • identified special educational need and disability, medical need
  • family dynamics
  • all professionals involved with the CYP which relate to EHCP
  • plans for provision and support from Education, Health and Social Care
  • electronic and paper records of all contact relating to the EHC Plan process and maintenance of the EHCP

What Special Category (sensitive) Data we might need

In order that we may deliver services appropriate to your needs we may also ask for the following ‘special category’ (sensitive) information about you, which may include:

  • race
  • ethnic origin
  • health information
  • religion 
  • sexual orientation 

Information we may receive

Personal information about you from others. 

To help us provide services appropriate to your needs we may receive personal information about from others such as:

  • family
  • NHS Agencies (GP, CAMHS etc.)
  • social care services (CWAD, Family Partnership)
  • foster carers
  • alternative provision
  • children who are looked after
  • other local authorities
  • voluntary services providers
  • Youth Offending Service
  • legal services / solicitors
  • educational settings including Independent educational settings
  • Commissioned partners
  • Best Start in Life advisors

Who might use your personal information

The following organisations or departments may use the information you provide: Personal information about you from others

  • NHS Agencies (GP, CAMHS etc.)
  • Birth to Settled Adulthood Services and Family Help
  • foster carers
  • alternative provision
  • children who are looked after
  • other local authorities
  • voluntary services providers
  • Youth Offending Service
  • legal services / solicitors
  • educational settings including Independent educational settings
  • commissioned Partners
  • Early Years and childcare services
  • NHS
  • Local Authorities
  • Social Care
  • wider public services such as police, fire services
  • third sector such as Social Housing providers

What your information might be used for and the lawful basis for requesting and using it

Your information may be used for:

  • EHCP assessment and or production, maintenance and review of the EHCP
  • diagnostic assessments
  • multi-agency meetings

Please note that if we cannot use your data we may not be able to provide you with these services.

What the lawful basis is for us to use your information

Our Lawful or legal basis for using your information can be found on the Information Commissioner's website.

To deliver our statutory responsibilities as enshrined in relevant Children’s legislation and local government legislation.

Organisations we may share your information with

The following organisations or departments may use the information you provide: 

  • NHS agencies (GP, CAMHS etc.)
  • social care services (CWAD, Family Partnership) 
  • other local authorities 
  • voluntary services providers
  • legal services / solicitors / SENDIST 
  • educational settings including independent educational settings 
  • commissioned partners 
  • Youth Offending Service 
  • early years settings
  • Dorset intelligence and insight Service (DiiS)

Will your information be stored in, processed or accessible from countries outside the UK, EU or EEA countries?

No, your information will not be stored in, processed or accessible from countries outside the UK, EU or EEA countries.

How long we will keep your information

As per the retention schedule for local authorities, we will only hold your information as per the guidance, for example Child Protection up to 70 years.