Placing local authorities (LAs)
If an LA intends to place a child or young person in Dorset (or has already placed a child in an emergency), the placing LA should notify us as soon as possible. We need to be aware of any risks or vulnerabilities for the child or the placement so that services in Dorset can respond effectively to any issues that arise. If you're unsure whether the placement is in Dorset, find out which LA it's in:
Find your local council
Find the website for your local council.
It is important that any changes to the child's placement or circumstances should be sent to the same email address. We will contact the placing authority every 6 months to confirm that the information on our records is correct.
Contact us by email
You can contact us by emailing:
We can consult and offer information and advice on:
Residential homes and independent fostering providers
Information relating to children and young people that are placed in Dorset from other LAs in residential provision, residential school and independent fostering providers should be sent to us. This information offers confirmation that we have been notified by the placing authority that the child is in our area.
You will receive confirmation by return email that this information has been received.
The assessment of appropriate and suitable location of a children's home
The registered person from the Dorset based residential provision or residential school should contact us.
We will respond with information regarding its awareness of any risks or concerns regarding the location of the provision and if necessary will identify how we mitigate against those identified risks or concerns. Make sure you're clear if you want specific information.
Making a 'Distant Placement' in Dorset
When an LA is placing a child in Dorset and where Dorset is a 'distant' authority (where the LA is not adjoining Dorset) you can request an 'assessment of appropriateness' by emailing us.
Consulting or contacting Dorset looked after children nurses
Contact us to reach the looked after children nurses.
Looked after children (LAC) notifications
Email: contact details
More information about looked after children
Find out about:
- looked after children school admissions by contacting the Head of the Virtual School Team
- the work of the Dorset Virtual School and contact details
- childcare and other activities for children and families
Virtual School Headteacher
Name: Jo Smark-RichardsEmail:
Tel: 01305 221632
Full contact details