Organisations and resources 

There are several organisations which provide advice and resources for families of deaf children and young people: 

  • local organisations 
  • national organisations 
  • benefits and grants 
  • Sign Language 
  • mental health and wellbeing 

Local organisations that support children and young people with hearing loss 

  • Dorset Deaf Children's Society (DDCS). The DDCS is a charity run by local Dorset families of deaf children. The DDCS supports children and families through activities, events and provides grants and equipment. Membership is free for all families in Dorset
  • Wiltshire and Dorset Deaf Association (WDDA). The WDDA is a local organisation which supports the deaf community across Wiltshire and Dorset. The WDDA run a signing choir and sign language classes
  • Dorset Sight and Hearing Team. The Sight and Hearing Team is funded by Dorset Council and is provided by Millbrook Healthcare Group.  The team provides a preventative and enabling service, which delivers information, advice and support to Dorset residents age over the age of 18
  • BCP Sight and Hearing Services Team. The Sight and Hearing Services Team helps people, over 18 years, who live in Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole (BCP) who have serious difficulties with their sight, hearing or both 
  • BCP SEND Local Offer 

National charities and organisations that support children and young people with hearing loss 

  • National Deaf Children's Society (NCDS) are dedicated to providing support, information and advice
  • The Cochlear Implanted Children’s Support Group provides support for the parents of deaf children and young people with cochlear implants. These are implants that are surgically implanted and bring new potential for communication, speech and education and social and employment opportunities 
  • The Elizabeth Foundation is an education service for babies and pre-school children with hearing loss 
  • DELTA - Deaf Education through Listening and Talking works with parents, family members and professionals to help deaf children to listen and talk so they can reach their full potential educationally
  • Auditory Verbal Therapy is a charity helping deaf children to have the opportunity to listen and speak as equals alongside their hearing peers 
  • The British Deaf Association is the only charity in the UK run by deaf people and represents the sign language community, united by shared experiences, history and British Sign Language (BSL), now officially recognised as a British language and spoken by 250,000 people in the UK
  • Royal National Institute for the Deaf (RNID) is a national charity helping people with hearing loss. They offer support on day to day care and give practical information. They campaign for a fairer world for people with hearing loss, and funding research into deafness (formally known as Action on Hearing Loss). 
  • Sense is a pioneering and innovative charity that works with deaf blind and multi sensory impaired children of all ages, their families, and the professionals who support them. Services include assessment, tailor-made support, curriculum advice, adaptations that promote inclusion and a wide range of training courses and activities 
  • Speech and Language UK supports children who have speech and language difficulties. It gives information about DVDs, books, and special schools that can support your child. They offer courses for practitioners who want to work with children with such difficulties
  • Contact a family offers support, advice and information for families with disabled children through a freephone helpline and free factsheets. They also offer one to one linking of families for mutual support
  • Hearing Dogs for Deaf People can help a deaf person gain confidence and independence. Hearing dogs are highly trained to listen and respond to environmental sounds. Applications can be made for children to have a hearing dog 

Information about benefits and grants for children and young people with hearing loss 

  • Disability Benefits can be paid for deaf infants and children, teenagers and deaf young people. This NDCS guidance can help you with filling in claim forms
  • your child may be eligible for Disability Living Allowance if they need more looking after than a child of the same age who does not have a disability.  Further guidance about DLA applications for deaf children is available on the NCDS website
  • young people over the age of 16 may be eligible for a Personal Independence Payment (PIP) 
  • you may be eligible for Carer's Allowance under certain circumstances 
  • Access to Work Support Grants. An Access to Work grant can help young deaf people cover the cost of support or equipment 
  • Work capability assessment
  • Family Fund is the UK's largest charity providing grants for low-income families raising disabled or seriously ill children and young people
  • The Birkdale Trust provides grants to families to support the education of hearing-impaired children including specialist equipment and courses

Information about sign language 

Information about mental health and wellbeing for children and young people with hearing loss 

  • Young Minds Trust promotes the mental and emotional wellbeing of children and young people and brings together an alliance of those in health, education, social services, and youth justice
  • SignHealth provides information about mental health support and other health information
  • the NCDS is a charity for deaf children. They support every deaf child who needs them, no matter what their level or type of deafness or how they communicate
  • Signature is the leading awarding body for BSL