The Accommodation with support programme provides modern homes for adults with support needs to live independently with support on hand.

Red Oak Court in Wareham has the country's first modular, temporary supported housing scheme for:

  • people with learning disabilities and mental health needs
  • people with physical disabilities
  • those in urgent need of a home

People who are from or have lived in the Purbeck area before have moved to Red Oak Court to give themselves the skills, confidence, experience and ability to live independently.

Many residents chose to move out of their old accommodation, to be able to have the freedom and flexibility which comes with living by themselves.

Learn what living independently with support is like

The complex opened in August 2020. There are 18 flats onsite, including one flat and an office for the care provider, Community Integrated Care (CIC).

Red Oak Court residents live on their own and can ask for care support at any time, as there is onsite support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Meet some of the residents and find out what living there is like in our video.

Who could be eligible to move into this type of supported living accommodation

You could be eligible if:

  • you have been living in accommodation unsuitable for your physical or mental health needs
  • have been discharged from a long-term hospital stay
  • you are entitled to have support and care needs provided by the local authority

Red Oak Court tenant, James, with CIC support staff
Red Oak Court tenant, James, with CIC support staff

Plans for new permanent homes with support

The homes at Red Oak Court were installed temporarily to meet urgent housing needs.

The longer-term plan is to build new, permanent, supported living homes by the end of 2025 on a former school site (next to Red Oak Court) called Purbeck Gateway.

The current residents will be given the chance to move into the new accommodation and work with the council and others to co-design some of their living space, if they wish.

When Red Oak Court residents have moved on to permanent accommodation, the relocatable units will be transported to somewhere in the Dorset Council area to meet urgent housing needs.

Find out more

Find out more about Purbeck Gateway and the planned supported living homes.

If you or a loved one are interested in supported living, contact the Adult Access Team on 01305 221016 or

Learn more about plans for permanent new homes with support

The homes at Red Oak Court are temporary to meet urgent housing needs. We are also planning to build new, permanent supported living homes by the end of 2024.

The Purbeck Gateway scheme on the rest of the site in Wareham also includes:

  • affordable housing for key workers in the health and social care professions
  • new public health facilities
  • homes for sale

The relocatable units can be lifted anywhere in Dorset to meet housing needs.

Find out more about Purbeck Gateway and the planned supported living homes.

Contact us

Accommodation with support Programme

Tel: 01305 225850
Full contact details