Aims of the policy or strategy
The outcome of this project is to deliver greater consistency for our customers from aligned charging across the Dorset Council car park estate.
The scope of the project is as follows:
- review of the current Blue Badge offers in each car park location in Dorset Council
- public engagement to determine what Blue Badge holders need/want
- option report for the highway’s director, portfolio holder and lead members
- implementation of the new scheme, including public communications
Background to the proposal
Since the formation of Dorset Council, aligning parking charges has been a key priority to bring consistency across the former council areas. Two projects have been run to align charges in car parks, on-street and car park permits, it is now necessary to complete the same process for Blue Badge holders.
Currently, the offer for Blue Badge holders when paying for parking in car parks is different depending on the location that is visited as the previous Councils’ offers are still in place. The objective is to have one pan-Dorset Council offer and the expected outcome is to have an offer that is easy to understand and consistent across Dorset Council. The portfolio holder, Cllr Ray Bryan, has requested this review and implementation.
Public consultation on what is required for Blue Badge holders is being undertaken. The final proposal will be shared with Members, Town and Parish Councils, Disability Action Groups, Chambers of Commerce and BIDs for their review and feedback.
Intelligence and Communication
Data, information, evidence and research used and how it has influenced the decision-making process
This project engaged with the public through a survey. The purpose of this was to get a view on what Blue Badge holders feel is needed and is fair. It also provides data and evidence on the potential impact of changes to charging.
Discussion groups were held with Blue Badge holders to review the proposed policy, to gain feedback on the policies fairness and effectiveness
This data told us that
The survey received 1,513 responses. The largest number of respondents were Blue Badge holders or people responding on behalf of Blue Badge holders (71%). A further 20% were drivers/carers of Blue Badge holders, and two disability organisations responded.
Respondents were asked to rank four options in preference, as well as submit their own ideas for consideration. The highest-ranking option was for three-hours of free parking with 35%, followed by one-hours free parking when a pay & display ticket is purchased (25%). Free parking for higher exemption Blue Badge holders was also a popular option (20%). The full survey report can be seen on the Dorset Council consultation page.
Feedback from the discussion groups proved that the proposed policy is generally considered to be fair and does meet the needs of Blue Badge holders. There was a suggestion to change the name and the eligibility criteria for the ‘Restricted Mobility Parking Permit’, this was altered for the final proposal sent out to stakeholders for comment.
Engagement or consultation that has taken place as part of this EqIA
Engagement has taken place with the following groups:
- Blue badge holders
- Carers/representatives of Blue Badge holders
- Disability Access Groups and other charities/support agencies
- Towns and Parish Councils
- Local Business Improvement Districts (BIDs)
- Chambers of Commerce
Feedback and communication
The survey results will be published on the Dorset Council website. Advice will be sort from the Communications Team as to whether the results should also be shared with the local media. The final proposal will be presented to Place and Resources Overview and Cabinet.
Impacts of the policy or strategy
Impacts on who or what |
Effect |
Details |
Age |
Unclear |
There is no data held on the number of Blue Badge users who fall into this protected category, so we cannot establish the scale of this impact. Due to introducing the Restricted Mobility Parking Permit, those in most need will be able to park without charge |
Disability: (including physical, mental, sensory and progressive conditions) |
Neutral |
There are currently over 22,000 active Blue Badge holders in the Dorset Council area and 1507 have the high-level exemption permit which gives free parking. Due to introducing the Restricted Mobility Parking Permit, those in most need will be able to park without charge |
Gender Reassignment & Gender Identity Pregnancy and maternity Race and Ethnicity Religion or belief Sexual orientation: Marriage or civil partnership Carers Rural isolation Armed Forces communities |
Neutral |
There is no data held on the number of Blue Badge users who fall into this protected category, so we cannot establish the scale of this impact. The changes will affect all Blue Badge holders who use Dorset Council car parks. We do not anticipate at this stage; the proposals will have any impact on this protected characteristic group |
Sex (consider both men and women): |
Unclear |
There is no data held on the number of Blue Badge users who fall into this protected category, so we cannot establish the scale of this impact. Depending on the outcome of the policy change there could be a negative impact on those who are currently able to park for free. |
Single parent families Social & economic deprivation |
Unclear |
There is no data held on the number of Blue Badge users who fall into this protected category, so we cannot establish the scale of this impact. Due to introducing the Restricted Mobility Parking Permit, those in most need will be able to park without charge |
Key to effects or impacts
Positive - the proposal eliminates discrimination, advances equality of opportunity and/or fosters good relations with protected groups.
Negative - protected characteristic group(s) could be disadvantaged or discriminated against
Neutral - no change/ no assessed significant impact of protected characteristic groups
Negative - protected characteristic group(s) could be disadvantaged or discriminated against
Action plan
Issue | Action to be taken | Person responsible | date to be completed by |
The demographics of DC Blue Badge holders, including the number with a high-level exemption permit | Investigate whether this information can be gathered from the Blue Badge team or another source | Elizabeth Murray | January 2022 |
People who have agreed the EQIA
Name Elizabeth Murray, Paul Hutton
Date 12 January 2022
Equality Lead Rebecca Forrester, Bridget Downton
Date 12 January 2022