We will make sure that all staff know what action to take in an emergency.
We will provide them with an update every year.
We will also ensure that all staff are provided with information on how to:
- recognise and respond to an asthma attack
- recognise and respond to an allergic reaction/ anaphylaxis
In the event of a medical emergency, our staff will always call 999 and summon a qualified first aider.
As of October 2024*, Artz+ Sportz+ Project has:
- 6 x First Aid at Work qualified first aiders
- 1 x Emergency First Aid at Work qualified first aiders
- 2 x Paediatric First Aid qualified first aiders
- 13 x Emergency First-Aid trained staff
Some children have a medical condition which might need emergency intervention.
Where this is the case, we would expect the IHP to clearly state what an emergency is, and what to do.
This is sometimes referred to as an emergency protocol.
We will make sure that emergency medication or equipment is always available.
Emergency medication and equipment is not locked away.
Children can carry their emergency medication with them if this is agreed appropriate.
Staff will receive regular training in the emergency procedure. This will include how to administer any medication.
Staff know where to access a copy of the child’s IHP and supporting information.
They can pass this on to the emergency services, should an ambulance need to be called.
This is often known as a ‘grab pack’.
Parental permission will be sought to share the information with the emergency services. This will be recorded in the IHP.
We will inform parents or carers of an emergency as soon as possible.
If a child needs to go to hospital, we will call an ambulance or ask a parent or carer to take them. We will not take a child to hospital ourselves.
If we are unable to contact a parent or carer to go with their child to hospital, we will wait for an ambulance and a member of staff will go with them.
They will stay with them until a parent or carer arrives.
If there are delays with getting an ambulance to the Artz+ Sportz+ activity, we will remain in contact with emergency services and follow their advice.
We will review all medical emergencies and incidents to see if they could have been avoided.
If necessary, we will change our policy as a result.