Artz+ Sportz+ Supporting children with medical conditions policy

Last updated 4 December 2024


This policy explains how Artz+ Sportz+ will support children with medical conditions.

Medical conditions include physical and mental health needs. Children might have medical conditions such as asthma, diabetes, epilepsy, anxiety, or depression.

Some medical conditions are long term whilst others are short term.

Some are very serious and can be life threatening. They may affect a child’s quality of life.

At Artz+ Sportz+, we will give children with medical conditions the right support so that they can participate and enjoy learning new skills.

To support these children, we will work closely with their parents or carers, and the child themselves where possible.

If necessary, we will liaise with relevant healthcare and other professionals, including those within the Local Authority.

Each person’s role and responsibilities are set out in Appendix A of this policy.

The person responsible for this policy and making sure it is carried out is the Senior Arts and Culture Officer – Leisure Services.

The Manager for Leisure & Cultural Commissioning, Leisure Services will oversee this policy

Our commitment

Where we can support children with medical conditions, we will. And in doing so, we will ensure that they are welcomed and fully included.

In some situations, it may not be possible for us to support a child with complex medical needs.

Where this is the case, we will discuss with the parents or carers to determine if there is an alternative.

This might include the parent/ carer remaining on site during the activity to ensure medical needs can be met, for example.

When a child is accepted for a booking, we will ask their parents or carers if they have a medical condition. If they do, we will follow the procedures set out in this policy.

We will provide appropriate support for children with medical conditions so that they can:

  • remain healthy
  • stay safe
  • make a positive contribution
  • enjoy our activities and have fun

We want our children and their families to have confidence in the support we arrange.

To achieve this, we will:

  • put appropriate support in place, including suitable back-up arrangements
  • seek and adhere to guidance provided by the family (which may include information from medical professionals)
  • involve the child, and their parents or carers, in planning and reviewing support

We will make sure that all Team Leaders and support staff understand and work to this policy.

We will provide them with relevant training about medical conditions.

This will cover the impact they can have.

We understand that not all children with the same medical condition will have the same needs.

We will make sure that all relevant staff are aware of an individual child’s medical condition.

Staff will be knowledgeable and confident in supporting children with medical conditions.

This includes in an emergency.

We will raise awareness of different medical needs and disabilities through our briefings and risk assessments.

We will build meeting these needs into the culture and ethos of our holiday project.

We will use resources and materials that represent medical needs in a positive light.


Legislation and advice

When supporting children with medical conditions, we will be mindful of Supporting children and young people with medical conditions: Local area guidance (Dorset Council and NHS Dorset, 2022).

We acknowledge that some children with medical conditions are considered to have a disability.

If this is the case, we will make sure we follow our duties under the Equality Act 2010.

  • parent will sign this form
  • medical advice will be sought immediately if a child’s condition causes concern
  • all medication will be stored in a safe place and returned to parents when the child is collected.

Individual Healthcare Plans

Where a child has a medical condition, we will ask that this is included in their Short Breaks Passport.

We will also ask the parents/ carers to provide us with a copy of the child’s Individual Healthcare Plan (IHP) from Artz+ Sportz+.

The IHP explains:

  • the child’s medical condition
  • what help they need (including emergency protocols)
  • when and where this needs to happen
  • who should provide the support

We will adapt the IHP to reflect how the child will be supported at Artz+ Sportz+.

If a child does not have an IHP, or the parents/ carers are unable to provide this, we will devise our own with the parents.

Team Leaders will not make clinical decisions when developing an IHP.

This includes decisions about medication or healthcare procedures.

These decisions can only be made by healthcare professionals.

IHPs will be shared with, and followed by, all relevant staff.

This includes our first aiders and support staff.

We will review the child’s IHP and our support arrangements for each new activity, or sooner if the child’s medical condition or support required, changes in any way.

The people responsible for obtaining IHP’s will be the Business Support Team, the people responsible for adapting or developing IHP’s for Artz+ Sportz+ Arts, Culture and Sports Officer and the Artz+ Sportz+ Team.

Intimate Care Plans

Intimate care is any care which involves washing, touching, or carrying out a procedure to private parts of the body.

Where we can support children with intimate care needs, we will.

If a child needs intimate care during an Artz+ Sportz+ activity, we will discuss the level of care required and develop an Intimate Care Plan for them.

More information is included in our Intimate Care Policy.


Medical Risk Assessments

In some circumstances, we will undertake a medical risk assessment.

This is to make sure that any activities we do are safe for a child with a medical condition to take part in.

Medical risk assessments look at what might cause harm to a child and what we can do to make activities safer.

We will write our risk assessments with parents or carers, and if necessary, seek additional advice from relevant healthcare, or other professionals.

Medical risk assessments will be shared with, and followed by, all relevant staff. This includes our first aiders and support staff.

We will review our risk assessments on an annual basis.

We will do this sooner if the child’s medical condition changes in any way.

Staff training

We will make sure that all staff are aware of this policy.

This includes new staff who join Artz+ Sportz+.

We will provide general training to all staff about common medical conditions.

This includes those that we are already supporting, and those that we will soon be supporting.

We will update this training every year or as recommended.

Individual staff will undertake appropriate training before they administer medicines or perform healthcare procedures.

We will identify the training required upon receipt of the child’s IHP.

We will ask relevant health professionals where to source this and when to update it.

In some instances, formal training will not be needed.

Training will be given to enough staff to ensure cover is always available.

This includes situations such as staff absence and special trips.

We will keep records of all training undertaken.

The people responsible for arranging staff training are the Senior Arts and Culture Officer and the Arts, Culture and Sports Officer.


Administering medicines

We expect that parents or carers will administer most medicines at home, for example, before and after Artz+ Sportz+, and before bed.

We will only administer medicines at Artz+ Sportz+ where a child’s health or activity attendance would be adversely affected if we did not do this.

This applies to prescription and non-prescription medicines.

But we will not administer homeopathic or alternative remedies.

This is in line with NHS advice.

We will administer medicines:

  • where we have written parental consent in advance
  • that are in date and labelled
  • provided in the original container as dispensed by the pharmacist
  • in line with the prescriber’s instructions

We will not give a child under 16 aspirin unless prescribed by a doctor.

We will encourage children to apply creams or ointments themselves.

Where this is not possible, staff will do so wearing non-sterile gloves.

We will not accept non-prescription medicines for use on an ‘as and when required’ basis.

The exceptions are antihistamines for allergic reactions or unless advised by a GP.

Parents and carers must complete a consent form for all medicines to be administered at the activity site.

This includes:

  • prescription medicines
  • non-prescription medicines

A new consent form will be needed if the medication changes in any way.

We ask that medicines are handed over to a member of staff by parents or carers, not by the child.

Parents and carers should also let us know if there are any issues or symptoms that we need to be aware of.

We will check with parents or carers when the last dose was taken before administering paracetamol.

This is to make sure the maximum dosage is not exceeded.

If this is not possible, we will only administer the medication where enough time has passed for the child to safely take the next dose.

If we have any doubts about administering medicines, we will consult with parents or carers before doing so.


Storing and disposing of medicines

Medicines are locked away in a separate room when in a hired venue or will be kept by the Team Leader in a locked box if the activity is not venue based.

Children will know where their medication is and who to ask for this.

Some medicines may be kept in the child’s bag for immediate access when needed, where appropriate to do so.

Such medicines include:

  • asthma inhalers
  • diabetic equipment
  • adrenaline pens

The child’ s IHP will include details of storage arrangements.

Children can carry their own medicines if agreed as appropriate with signed consent from the parent.

This includes controlled drugs and emergency medication.

The child’s IHP will state these arrangements.

Medicines will be returned to parents/ carers at the end of each Artz+ Sport+ activity session.

If a child has a medical condition that requires us to dispose of needles and other sharps (and where we can accommodate this), parents/ carers must provide a suitable sharps box.

Sharps boxes will be kept securely at the activity venue and will go with children on off-site visits.

Sharps boxes will be returned to parents or carers for safe disposal at the end of each activity session.

If a sharps injury does occur, we will follow the process outlined in Supporting children and young people with medical conditions: Local area guidance (Dorset Council and NHS Dorset, 2022).


Record keeping

We will keep an accurate record of all medicines administered to our children.

Records will state:

  • what medicine was administered
  • the exact dose administered (for example, 250mg or 5ml)
  • the form (for example, tablet, liquid etc.)
  • the time
  • who gave the medicine

We will inform parents or carers if we administer non-prescription medicines.

We will do this on the day and in advance where possible.

If a child refuses to take their prescribed medicine, we will record this as ‘refused’.

We will also inform the parents or carers immediately.

We will not force a child to take their medication if they do not wish to do so.

We will inform parents or carers if a child is unwell and unable to take their medication.

We will do this immediately.

We will also do this if a child is sick or has diarrhoea soon after taking their medication.


Medication errors

If we make a mistake when administering medicines, we will take urgent action to ensure the child’s health is not at risk.

We will inform the parent or carer so that they can advise us of next steps.

If we cannot reach them, we will contact the healthcare practitioner named in the IHP.

If this is not possible, we will contact the GP or the local Accident and Emergency Department.

We will also undertake an internal investigation.

The aim of this will be to prevent any future errors.

This will be led by the Manager Leisure & Cultural Commissioning

We will also inform the Dorset Council Health & Safety Team.



We encourage and support our children to manage their medical condition themselves as they get older.

But we do not expect older children to take complete responsibility for this.

We will agree which aspects of their medical care the child can do themselves.

We will decide this by working with the child and their parents or carers.

Where necessary, we will seek advice from a relevant healthcare practitioner.

The child’s IHP will include details of these arrangements, including how much prescription medication they will bring to the setting.

We will supervise children administering their own prescription medicines for safeguarding purposes.

The format of supervision will depend on each individual child and will be set out in their IHP.

Parents and carers must complete a consent form to enable their child to carry their own medicines. This includes non-prescription medicines.

Children carrying non-prescription medicines should only bring one dose to the Artz+ Sportz+ activity. This is to avoid the risk of these being misused.

If a child misuses their medication, or anyone else’s, we will inform their parents or carers as soon as possible.


Emergency procedures

We will make sure that all staff know what action to take in an emergency.

We will provide them with an update every year.

We will also ensure that all staff are provided with information on how to:

  • recognise and respond to an asthma attack
  • recognise and respond to an allergic reaction/ anaphylaxis

In the event of a medical emergency, our staff will always call 999 and summon a qualified first aider.

As of October 2024*, Artz+ Sportz+ Project has:

  • 6 x First Aid at Work qualified first aiders
  • 1 x Emergency First Aid at Work qualified first aiders
  • 2 x Paediatric First Aid qualified first aiders
  • 13 x Emergency First-Aid trained staff

Some children have a medical condition which might need emergency intervention.

Where this is the case, we would expect the IHP to clearly state what an emergency is, and what to do.

This is sometimes referred to as an emergency protocol.

We will make sure that emergency medication or equipment is always available.

Emergency medication and equipment is not locked away.

Children can carry their emergency medication with them if this is agreed appropriate.

Staff will receive regular training in the emergency procedure. This will include how to administer any medication.

Staff know where to access a copy of the child’s IHP and supporting information.

They can pass this on to the emergency services, should an ambulance need to be called.

This is often known as a ‘grab pack’.

Parental permission will be sought to share the information with the emergency services. This will be recorded in the IHP.

We will inform parents or carers of an emergency as soon as possible.

If a child needs to go to hospital, we will call an ambulance or ask a parent or carer to take them. We will not take a child to hospital ourselves.

If we are unable to contact a parent or carer to go with their child to hospital, we will wait for an ambulance and a member of staff will go with them.

They will stay with them until a parent or carer arrives.

If there are delays with getting an ambulance to the Artz+ Sportz+ activity, we will remain in contact with emergency services and follow their advice.

We will review all medical emergencies and incidents to see if they could have been avoided.

If necessary, we will change our policy as a result.

Automated external defibrillators (AEDs)

When using community venues, staff will utilise any AEDs on site and utilize trained staff from the hired venue if available. Artz+ Sportz+ do not carry an AED.

Designated staff will undertake practical training in the use of AEDs.

All staff will know if an AED is available, and if so, where this is located. They will also know how to get help from designated staff in an emergency.

Before the activity session starts, the AED will be checked to make sure that it is not displaying any warning lights or messages.

Confidentiality and data protection

We will protect the confidentiality of our children.

We will always get permission from parents or carers before sharing medical information with any other party.

This includes other staff within our setting and the emergency services.

We will make sure that medical information about a child, including their IHP, is not ‘on view’

We will keep copies of IHPs and emergency ‘grab packs’ securely. But we will make sure these can be accessed in emergency situations.



Liability and indemnity

Dorset Council will make sure that we have the right insurance in place to support children with medical conditions.

Most medical conditions are covered under standard liability insurance.

We will contact our insurance provider separately if we need medical malpractice insurance.

This is usually only required for any complex or invasive healthcare procedure for which Artz+ Sportz+ will not have capacity to accept.


Dorset Council complaints procedure covers the Artz+ Sportz+ Supporting children with medical conditions policy


We will review this policy every 3 years and updated it, if needed.

When evaluating the policy, we will seek feedback from our staff and parents Steering Group, and the Dorset Council Health and Safety Team.

Appendix A: Roles and responsibilities


Children can contribute to discussions about their support. Their views help to inform the Individual Healthcare Plan (IHP).

Parents and carers

Parents and carers provide Artz+ Sportz+ with up-to-date information about their child’s medical needs, including their IHP.

They will provide any medicines or equipment needed, unless otherwise agreed.

They will make sure that they or another nominated adult can always be contacted.

Artz+ Sportz+ staff

All relevant members of the Artz+ Sportz+ support team will know what to do when a child with a medical condition needs help.

Staff who perform medical duties will undertake suitable training before doing so.

Medical duties include administering medicines and providing medical care.

Staff will be competent to perform these duties.

Artz+ Sportz+ Senior Arts and Culture Officer

The Senior Arts and Culture Officer/ Project Manager for Artz+ Sportz+ will make sure that:

  • this policy is implemented
  • all staff are aware of the policy and understand their role in carrying it out
  • team leaders will ensure all staff who need to know are aware of a child’s condition
  • enough staff are trained to carry out the policy and support all IHPs, including in emergency situations
  • existing IHPs are accepted and developed for our service area
  • support staff are properly insured

The Senior Arts and Culture Officer (Project Manager)

The Senior Arts and Culture Officer/Project Manager for Artz+ Sportz+ will ‘make arrangements’ to support children with medical conditions where possible.

This is so that they can participate as much as possible with holiday activities.

This duty includes making sure:

  • this policy is developed and implemented
  • enough staff are trained and competent to support children with medical conditions
  • staff can access information and other support materials as needed

Appendix B Example Forms: Administered Medicine Record a Pre- Activity Parental Agreement

Please view the full downloadable document for content 


This policy was last reviewed in 2024. 

The next expected review date is 2027.