The Arne Neighbourhood Plan was made (adopted) by Dorset Council on 22 June 2021.
Following a majority 'yes' vote in the referendum, the decision was taken to make the Arne Neighbourhood Plan part of the development plan for the Arne neighbourhood area.
The decision statement and the 'made' Arne Neighbourhood Plan are available online and will be available to view at the council's offices (address below) during normal opening hours when the offices reopen to the public.
Dorset Council
County Hall
Referendum Result
The Arne Neighbourhood Plan referendum was held on Thursday 6 May 2021and asked residents: "Do you want Dorset Council to use the Neighbourhood Plan for Arne to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?" From an electorate of 1108 there was a turnout of 519 (47.2%). The result; In Favour. YES votes 479 (93.0%) and NO votes 36 (6.9%). The full referendum results are also now available.
The plan will now proceed to Full Council on 22 June 2021 where a decision will be made on making the Arne Neighbourhood Plan part of the development plan for the Arne parish area.
Decision to proceed to referendum
Following the successful examination of the Arne Neighbourhood Plan, Dorset Council agreed to enable the plan, as amended to proceed to referendum. The council released a Decision Statement to this effect. Arne Neighbourhood Plan Referendum Draft (as proposed and amended as a result of the examination) should therefore be taken into account and given significant weight in decision-making, so far as the plan is material to the application.
Documents relating to the referendum are listed below:
- A Summary of Representations submitted to the examiner
- The Examiner's Report
- The Arne Referendum Draft Plan (as proposed and amended as a result of the examination)
- The Decision Statement which includes a statement by the local planning authority that the plan as proposed meets the basic conditions
- The Information Statement which includes general information as to town and country planning including neighbourhood planning and the referendum
Neighbourhood Plan Examination
The Arne Neighbourhood Plan was submitted to Dorset Council for examination in October 2019. At the examination, an independent examiner reviewed the plan and made recommendations in accordance with the 2011 Localism Act and related regulations. In particular, the examiner considered whether the plan meets certain basic conditions, satisfies legal requirements, and identifies an appropriate area for a referendum.
The basic conditions, which are set out in the legislation, are intended to ensure that neighbourhood plans are compatible with their wider context. The plan must:
- have regard to national planning policies and advice contained in guidance issued by the Secretary of State;
- contribute to achieving sustainable development;
- be in general conformity with the strategic policies of the development plan for the area (Purbeck Local Plan) and;
- be compatible with EU obligations and human rights requirements
Arne Neighbourhood Plan Submission for Examination
The Arne Neighbourhood Plan has been submitted to an independent examiner for consideration (examination). The statutory period for making responses on the neighbourhood plan expired on the 4 October 2019. An examiner has been appointed to test whether the neighbourhood plan meets the basic conditions, and other matters, set out in planning law. The examiner has prepared a report to Arne Parish Council and Dorset Council which states that subject to policy modifications the neighbourhood plan meets the basic conditions. The council awaits an updated version of the neighbourhood plan which incorporates the policy modifications identified in the examiner's final report. After considering the updated neighbourhood plan the council will then take a decision on whether to refer the plan to referendum. It will publish its decision on this page of its website.
Examination latest news
Documents issued by the examiner
Arne Neighbourhood Plan Regulation 16 Responses
Submission evidence
Habitats Regulations Assessment
Response to HRA from Natural England