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To help you plan your application before beginning the online form please find all the questions in the order you will find them.
We will require you to answer ‘Yes ‘or ‘No’ to some standard questions. You will then need to complete the questions in Part One of the online application form.
Well will ask for:
What type of organisation are you?
What are your organisations Primary Purpose?
Are you applying on behalf of a partnership?
Are you part of a regional or national organisation?
What is your charity number? (optional)
What is your company number? (optional)
Do you have at least 3 unrelated trustees/directors/committee members responsible for the organisation?
Organisation’s turnover over the last accounting year (£)
If your organisation relies on a venue, does your organisation have 5 years or more security of tenure?
First name
Last name
Do you want to use this address for all correspondence Yes/No
Role or job title in your organisation
Email address
Contact number.
How many staff do you currently employ?
Number of staff who are full time?
Number of staff who are part time?
Do you regularly use freelancers or contractors to deliver services? Yes /No
Does your organisation provide any of the following volunteer opportunities? You will need to select from internships, mentoring, student placements, work experience or other.
Tell us what volunteer contributions you expect your organisation to offer over the next 3 years.
Specify the type of volunteering activities /number of volunteer hours you expect to offer?
How does your organisation support skills development for its workforce?
Are you applying for additional funding having been in receipt of a revenue grant in previous rounds?
How much revenue funding are you requesting per year? £.
What is the total amount of revenue funding you are now requesting? – form will calculate for you.
Summarise your organisation’s business model, identifying how you generate income and raise funds. Specify amounts in relation to overall income and raised funds. Specify amounts in relation to overall turnover and state what relative percentages of your turnover are earned income and annual grant income. If you anticipate that this model will change significantly over the next three years, tell us how your model will evolve. (Max 2100 characters)
Have you applied to anyone else for funding, or been promised funding by another public body? If you answer Yes, you will be asked to provide details of funder(s) and amounts.
Does your organisation have a fundraising Strategy?
How do you intend to cover your ongoing running costs once your revenue grant comes to an end?
Does your organisation have a reserve, policy? If you answer yes, you will need to tell us how much / length of time it will provide the organisation to operate.
Describe and evidence your organisation’s impact on the local economy (300 words)
What operational challenges has your organisation had in the last two years and what challenges do you predict over the medium term that could have an impact on your capability to deliver your business plan?
Describe what your organisations business plan priorities are over the next 3 years.
What Dorset Council priorities does your application meet?
Explain how our revenue grant will help you to deliver against our priorities identified in the Dorset Council’s Plan 2020 to 2024? [Max 200 words]
Which area of Dorset Council does your organisation do most of its work?
What evidence do you have to demonstrate your geographic reach?
Roughly how many people does your organisation reach per year?
What Ethnic groups is your organisation seeking to engage with? (Select all that apply from the list)
Which other groups will benefit from your grant? (Select all that apply) – full tick list of groups given.
Which age groups will your organisation’s activities focus on? (Select all that apply)
Describe the initiatives and activities you are intending to deliver to engage with those target groups you have identified.
What key outcomes is your organisation seeking to deliver over the next two years?
What methods will you use to report on and evaluate the effectiveness of your organisation’s programmes and services? (300 words)
At this point in your application form you will be required to confirm that you understand the council’s Privacy Notice, FOI, and Data Protection Act. You will also need to confirm our declaration before submitting Part One.
This is the final part of the form. The following mandatory documents will need to be uploaded here to complete your application:
Please do not upload large data files that exceed 3MB per file. Where possible convert to a PDF to reduce the sizes of files before uploading. Please do not upload files containing graphics.