Advertise your job with us to reach your ideal candidate. Our jobs website is regularly visited by job seekers in and around Dorset.
Our prices
You can purchase a single advert with us or buy multiple adverts at a discounted rate using our credit blocks.
A single advert is just £219.40 (+VAT).
Please note that as of 1 April 2025, the cost of a single advert will be £240 (+ VAT).
Credit blocks
Our credit blocks offer a discounted rate. They are a great choice if you’re likely to be advertising several jobs with us. Advert credits can be used up whenever you like and never expire.
Prices from 1 April 2024 to 31 March 2025
- 1 advert – £219.40 (+ VAT)
- 4 adverts – £661.50 (+ VAT)
- 10 adverts – £1,102.50 (+ VAT)
- 25 adverts – £2,480.63 (+ VAT)
- 50 adverts – £4,410 (+ VAT)
- 100 adverts – £7,717.50 (+ VAT)
Prices from 1 April 2025 to 31 March 2026
- 1 advert – £240 (+ VAT)
- 4 adverts – £700 (+ VAT)
- 10 adverts – £1,160 (+ VAT)
- 25 adverts – £2,610 (+ VAT)
- 50 adverts – £4,640 (+ VAT)
- 100 adverts – £8,110 (+ VAT)
What’s included
Adverts can include information about your job and company, links to any documents and your company logo. Our team will also review your advert before it’s published to check it over for any spelling mistakes or typos. Our jobs site is crawled by Indeed, so your advert will also be shown on the Indeed website.
You can advertise a vacancy for up to 90 days.
Application forms
Your advert should contain either a PDF application form for candidates to download, or a link to an external website where applicants can apply.
If you would like applicants to be able to apply online through our website, contact Dorset Nexus.
How to submit an advert
New customers
If you haven’t advertised with us before, complete our registration form.
We aim to set up your account within 2 working days.
Existing customers
We have recently changed systems. If you have not received new login details from us, you'll need to request a new account.
If you have advertised with us before, you can login and place your advert:
We aim to publish adverts within 2 working days.
Follow our guide on how to create and submit a job advert.
Policy for accepting adverts
We are keen to encourage advertisements on our site but there are some restrictions on the adverts we can accept. The suitability of all advertisements will be at our discretion. We reserve the right to refuse to publish an advertisement or to withdraw a published advertisement without notice. The appearance of an advertisement on our website is not an endorsement by, or our partner organisations, of that company, product or service.
Contact us
If you have any questions about advertising with us or need helping with your account, contact us via