Information in the Dorset Historic Environment Record (HER) has been assembled from a variety of sources. We rely largely on published sources, reports produced as part of the planning process, and personal report.
Every effort is made to check the accuracy of information being incorporated into the HER. Nevertheless, there may be errors, omissions or inaccuracies in the data, for which we cannot accept liability.
New discoveries are being made all the time and the Historic Environment Record changes accordingly. Reports may have been submitted that have not yet been entered into the HER database. We will always endeavour to inform enquirers of any information of this sort relevant to their enquiry. Please bear in mind that our interpretation and views on the archaeological significance of a particular site or area may change with time and in the light of new information and current research.
The lack of recorded information for a particular site or area doesn't mean that there is no archaeology there - it simply means that we know nothing about it! An apparent 'blank' in our records isn't necessarily a reflection of the archaeological potential of an area; it may have more to do with a lack of archaeological fieldwork, the prevailing agricultural regime, or the underlying geology. Other national or specialist sources may contain information not held or indexed.