Adopted Local Plan quick guide

Name of local plan Link to 5 year housing land supply report   Currently published 5 year housing land supply figure (years)

Housing Delivery Test Result

(2022 base date)

West Dorset, Weymouth & Portland Local Plan Joint West Dorset, Weymouth and Portland 5 year housing land supply report 2023 5.28  113%


Purbeck Local Plan Part 1 Purbeck housing land supply report 2023 3.73 93%  
North Dorset Local Plan Part 1 - Policy 1 to 21 / North Dorset Local Plan Part 1 - Policy 22 to 33 North Dorset housing land supply v2 2023 5.02* 75%


Christchurch and East Dorset Local Plan Part 1 - Core Strategy**

Christchurch and East Dorset 5 year housing land supply report 2018

East Dorset housing land supply report 2023

4.77 (Christchurch and East Dorset)

3.9 (East Dorset only)



* In line with paragraph 79 of the updated National Planning Policy Framework (December 2023) a 20% buffer has been applied to the identified supply of deliverable sites in North Dorset due to the latest published Housing Delivery Test result for the area falling below 85%. The stated 5 year housing land supply figure therefore differs from that published in the Council's Housing Land Supply report dated 2023.

** The former local authority areas of East Dorset and Christchurch now fall within separate unitary authorities. Separate 5 year housing land supply figures have been calculated for each area. The table shows details of both the joint housing land supply report of 2018 and the separate East Dorset report of 2019.

Housing Delivery Test Action Plan

In relation to the results of the 2022 Housing Delivery Test a Dorset Council Housing Delivery Test Action Plan has been produced, as required by National Planning Policy where housing delivery is below 95% of the housing requirement. The Action Plan identifies reasons for under-delivery of housing, explores ways to reduce the risk of further under-delivery, and sets out measures the council intends to take to improve levels of delivery.

Authority monitoring report 

We have produced an Authority Monitoring Report for the period April 2021 - March 2023. The report covers the Dorset Council area as a whole, and provides statistics regarding development relating to: 

  • housing 
  • employment 
  • retail 
  • community infrastructure 
  • heritage
  • environment 

5 year housing land supply

Dorset Council is seeking to confirm its housing land supply position for the base period of 1st April 2023 to 31st March 2024, by producing an Annual Position Statement (APS). More information can be found on the Annual Position Statement - Five Year Housing Land Supply page.