If you live in a home provided by a social landlord and are looking for a new home then this might be for you.
Home swapper
HomeSwapper is a national scheme for social tenants who live in rented property who want a house swap, flat swap or to exchange their council house. This is also called mutual exchange. If you live in a council house or housing association property and want to swap you can find out more information by speaking to your Housing Advice Services or find out more about swapping your home.
Exchange Locata
Exchange Locata is a direct, online social housing exchange service for tenants and landlords. For information on how to undertake a mutual exchange please go to Exchange Locata.
Contact us
Housing Solutions Team
Name: Housing Solutions TeamEmail: dorsetcouncilhomechoice@dorsetcouncil.gov.uk
Tel: 01305 221739
Full contact details