Who can use NHS patient travel

Patients needing to travel to and from hospital or GP practice appointments are expected to make their own travel arrangements by using public transport or privately through taxis, relatives, friends or neighbours. If you are unable to use these travel options because of a medical or physical frailty, you may be eligible for free NHS Non-Emergency Patient Transport (hospital appointments only). This transport is provided in line with Department of Health guidelines for medical reasons only. If you do not qualify for NHS transport then in some areas, community and voluntary transport may be available.

Find out if you're eligible

If you think you could be eligible for free patient travel, or need advice on getting to your hospital appointment, please contact the Patient Transport Advice Centre on 01278 727457.

All requests will be assessed against the eligibility criteria. Assessments are carried out each time a request is made because medical conditions do change over time.

If you are not eligible for patient transport, the Patient Transport Advice Centre will offer advice on alternative public, community and volunteer transport options. The Advice Centre is open Monday to Friday 8:30am to 6:30pm.