Preparing for and becoming a new parent, or having a new baby is one of the biggest changes to any relationship and on our individual lives.

The stage of readiness and the time it takes to adjust to your new family may not be the same for you both. There’s so much more to juggle with caring for baby that your relationship can quickly lose priority.

Being able to communicate with your partner to adjust together, share responsibility and to understand the emotional demands that you are both experiencing becomes even more important.

This is a new phase for your relationship and with the tiredness, hormones, and stress it can be difficult to talk and listen to each other.

You, Me and Baby too can help you recognise your partners emotions, how to support each other and ways to discuss the difficult topics so it doesn’t lead to an argument.

Me, You and Baby Too digital programme

If you're working with a family practitioner you should be given access to the Me, You and Baby Too Better digital programme.

Find out how to access the Me, You and Baby Too digital programme with your login details.

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