A supplier's guide to doing business on the ProContract Supplying the South West Portal

Resources to help you through the process of becoming a supplier to Dorset Council

Tips for tendering


  • read all documentation and questions​
  • answer all questions​ fully
  • explain your approach / solutions to meet the requirements​
  • complete and submit documentation where requested to do so ​
  • make sure you have submitted all elements of your bid​
  • be clear and concise ​
  • use short sentences​
  • include examples to support your response​
  • seek clarity on any points using the online facility – note that both the query and the response will go to all tenderers​
  • afterwards – ask for feedback 


  • provide just generic or copied responses to questions​
  • use acronyms and abbreviations ​
  • give only one-line responses to detailed questions​
  • refer to a web page only in your response​
  • assume that we know your organisation – we can only evaluate what has been submitted in your bid​
  • leave it too late to seek tender clarifications (follow deadline date)​
  • leave submitting to your bid to the last minute; no late bids will be accepted

Don't copy and paste without checking

When developing your response, do not copy and paste from a resource without checking the content. Make sure there are no errors.

Copying from another tender

Do not copy content from a tender let by another local authority without checking that it meets the requirement of the question being asked. Make sure you remove the names of other local authorities in your response.

Copying from a website

Do not copy from another organisation's website and submit it as your own response. Avoid blindly copying information from your own website. Take the time to check that the content copied from web pages answers the question.

Consortium working

A consortium, in this context, is a group of economic operators. If you form or join a consortium so you can tender for business with us, you will need to consider the following.

Structure of the consortium

You should state the structure of the consortium within your tender submission. This must include:

  • name of your consortium
  • proposed legal structure if the consortium intends to form a named single legal entity before signing any contract
  • an explanation of the legal structure, if not intending to form a single legal entity

Supporting detail on the consortium

You should provide details about the composition of your consortium. This must state which member will be responsible for which elements of the service. For example:

  • lead organisation
  • service delivery
  • training
  • administration

You will need to evidence your proposed consortium arrangements, structure, and operation. This may include, but is not limited to, copies of documents such as joint working agreements and governance arrangements.

We may exclude your tender submission if you fail to provide full supporting evidence. Ensure you have discussed, documented, and agreed on everything you submit with all members of the consortium.

Advice and guidance

We are unable to provide any specific advice to organisations on setting up consortia. You should seek independent advice on this matter. You may find some helpful information on the following websites:

We are neither responsible for the content of these sites nor for any loss arising from the use of, or reliance on their information.