The Northport Greenway and Woodlark Trail provides a safe walking route from Wareham Quay to Wareham Forest via the Railway Station. The Woodlark Trail is a circular route around Wareham Forest and both routes are signposted.

Start point: Wareham Quay
Nearest postcode: BH20 4LP or grid ref: SY 923 872
Distance: 5 miles in total (circular route)
Typical time to complete the walk: 2.5 hours
Relevant Ordnance Survey map:

Explorer Map No.OL15 (Purbeck and South Dorset).

Footwear: Walking boots are recommended all year round.
Public transport:
Parking: Long stay parking in Wareham is available at Streche Road or Connegar Lane.
Facilities and Refreshments: Wareham has a variety of cafes, pubs and restaurants. The nearest  public toilets are found on The Quay or at Howards Lane car park.
Things to do in the area:

Purbeck cycle ridesWareham Forest WayThe Purbeck WayThe Purbeck Way West RouteThe Wareham Two Rivers WalksMorden BogStoborough HeathHartland MoorArne RSPB Nature ReserveWareham Museum

Staying a while in Wareham?

You can find walker-friendly accommodation on the  Visit Dorset website.

The Northport Greenway

This route runs for 3 miles (circular) and provides a safe cycling or walking route from Wareham Quay, through the quiet streets of the town, past the Railway Station, through Northmoor and onto Wareham Forest, where it then links with the Woodlark Trail. 

The route is signposted outbound towards Wareham Forest and the return journey towards the Town Centre. Parts of the route have been improved by installing lighting, signage and crossings.

You can download a copy of the  Northport Greenway map.

The Woodlark Trail

This is a circular walking route around Wareham Forest of 2 miles following the coloured posts. The Northport Greenway links to the Woodlark Trail at it's southern entrance. The Woodlark Trail can also be accessed from the walkers car park off the Wareham to Bere Regis road. This trail was created by the  Forestry Commission.

You can download a copy of the  Wareham Forest Way and Woodlark Trail leaflet.