We will make sure that transitions between phases of education or changes in what we provide as support are smooth and supportive across all ages.
Outcomes of SEND strategy priority 5: our transitions and preparation for adulthood vision
Outcomes of this vision will be:
- timely, well-planned and person-centred transition for children and young people moving from one phase of education to another
- an offer of our vision and ambitious change for those young people who need additional support as they move into adulthood through the creation of a multi-agency, independently led Dorset Birth to Settled Adulthood Board who will lead on this programme
- a co-produced pathway for 14 to 25 year olds that includes education, health and care in place to make sure there's a person-centred approach based on the outcomes of each person
- increased employment and training opportunities for young people and adults with SEND through improved engagement with our communities. We'll make sure we're doing this by measuring a reduction in the number of NEET young people with an EHC plan
- an increase in the number of young people who can access mainstream provision which will also increase their potential to build strong community ties