We will make sure that children and young people with SEND and their families can access the right support from services easily and quickly.
Outcomes of SEND strategy priority 3: our SEND pathway vision
Outcomes of this vision will be:
- a commitment to joint working and joint commissioning that recognises the value of working together to provide a seamless and effective service that will benefit the community and prevent children and young people from falling through the gaps
- an improved Local Offer which will support families to understand and navigate information to help support their needs
- a reduction in the duplication of meetings. Families will only need to tell their story once, using technology to increase access and improve coordination of our work
- short breaks and respite opportunities available for children and adults and meet the needs of families
- children and young people with an EHC plan have their primary need clearly and accurately identified as a result of evidence gathered by professionals
- clear pathways to support joint working between partner agencies and families to enable early identification of SEND
- high quality health advice that is provided in a timely way to contribute to the EHC process, including the annual review