The public have no lawful powers to direct traffic at planned events.
Dorset Police operate a scheme whereby event promoters or traffic management companies may obtain accreditation for staff to direct traffic for events. Accredited staff can then direct traffic on the public highway in strict accordance with the traffic management plan for that event.
Find out more about the Dorset Police Community Safety Accreditation Scheme.
Directing or control of traffic can also be achieved using signs and most events will require signing of some sort, either to advise traffic of road closures and diversion routes, changes to road layouts or to help in minimising traffic disruption.
The test of any signing schedule is “do the travelling public have the information they need at the right place to enable them to complete their journey safely and not to have to perform any dangerous manoeuvres for themselves or endanger anyone else”. The signing must be clear, simple and fit for purpose to the required standards for the class and speed of road.
Any signs placed on the highway must be deployed by a competent person, and an event organiser should consider employing a traffic management company to reduce risk.
Advance signage should also be considered to advise motorists of upcoming events so that they can plan alternate routes. This is important to help reduce the background traffic on the network that does not want to get caught up in event traffic. Such signs should only include the key information and be set up generally one week prior to the event.
Once the use of signs has been decided the event promoter should create a sign schedule clearly listing the following:
- location of each sign
- type of each sign
- time / date of placement and removal
- sequence of placement and removal
- frequency of any inspection (if needed)
- time / date of removal
- competency details of persons placing, maintaining and removing signs
Any signing schedule must be submitted to the council for approval. The Community Highways Liaison Team can authorise signing for small scale events. However, if the signing is part of a large event that requires a Temporary Traffic Regulation Order, then approval is required from the Traffic Team.
The event promoter is responsible for procuring the appropriate signs and employing appropriately trained staff to set out, maintain and remove them at the end of the event.
Signs are not allowed to be attached to lighting columns in Dorset.
Portable variable message signs
Portable variable message signs (PVMS) should be considered on higher usage roads, as their visual impact is much greater and are key for any major event traffic management plan. You will need to hire these from a traffic management company. You can either instruct them to submit an application on your behalf, or apply for a PVMS licence yourself.