Work is underway to redesign the signalised junction on Weymouth Avenue in Dorchester near Maumbury Rings.

The scheme will provide safer crossing facilities for pedestrians, particularly those with mobility and sensory impairments as well as for local children walking to school, the leisure centre and the skate park.

New layout in 2025

The new junction layout will upgrade the existing signal equipment while also:

  • installing controlled pedestrian crossing points on Maumbury Road eastern arm, Maumbury Road western arm and on Weymouth Avenue northern arm
  • widening and levelling footways, wherever possible, to improve the pedestrian environment
  • installing a section of cycleway and advanced stop line on the uphill section of Maumbury Road to help cyclists through the junction
  • relocating the one existing controlled crossing to provide a better footway environment and more waiting space for people crossing the road
  • installing a new southbound bus shelter, with footway resurfacing and tree root protection

A drawing showing the new junction layout will be uploaded when available.

Relocating the existing crossing 

As part of the new design, the crossing point on the railway bridge is being relocated and replaced. A new Puffin crossing will be installed nearer to Queens Avenue.

This will provide more footway space for people waiting to cross the road and is closer to the main ‘desire line’, where students are walking to/from school.

To facilitate the new crossing location, the northbound bus stop will be moved to the south side of the Queens Avenue junction with Weymouth Avenue.

View a drawing of the new crossing layout.


Construction work is scheduled to start in early 2025 and will last around 16 weeks.