Aims of the policy or strategy

A long road closure on Church Street to gain access to repair Lyme Regis Town Council building and to upgrade road signals at Bridge St, Lyme Regis, Dorset

Background to the proposal

The Lyme Regis Town Council building (Guildhall) overhangs the carriageway and the oriel window has been struck at least 6-8 times in the last 24 months, this includes being hit by a double deck bus and other times by large articulated lorries travelling east to west.  

Attempts were made to mitigate this problem through traffic measures designed at further supporting and enforcing the existing 7.5T  GVW (gross vehicle weight) restriction on this section of road but neither highway authority (Dorset Council and Connect South West) and Dorset Police supported this. 

As such, the only remaining ‘solution’ is to reduce the projection of the oriel window, as the building is a Grade 2 listed building, this was reluctantly supported by English Heritage, Dorset Council (as planning authority) and LRTC as property owner. 

Given the location of the window, the nature of the required works, the need to maintain contractor safety during the works, the extreme narrowness of the road adjoining the Guildhall and the acute bend immediately to the east, there is absolutely no alternative to closing the road for the duration of those works. 

Whilst this work is taking place and the road is closed, it is an opportunity to replace the traffic signals located near to the Guildhall on Bridge Street, the current traffic signals are near their end of life and need replacing. New signals will improve the flow of traffic through a very narrow section of road. 

To carry out this upgrade, the road needs to be closed for over one-month, this has not yet been confirmed, as works programme still needs to be agreed. Initial works would be to replace the traffic signals, so the road will be open to vehicle access outside working hours (9am-5pm). Once scaffolding is erected onto the town council building, the road will be closed to all vehicular access, however there would still be pedestrian access.  

Vehicles travelling through Lyme Regis will be diverted to the nearest suitable route. Buses will be diverted, changing the bus stop locations. 

Intelligence and Communication

Data, information, evidence and research used and how it has influenced the decision-making process

  • planning permission has been granted by Dorset Council to reduce projection of first floor council chamber oriel window and carry out stone repairs to Mayor’s parlour oriel and pediment over front door.  Planning application: WD/D/20/002799 granted on 30 April 2021
  • Dorset Insight – Lyme Regis Town Area Profile
  • Lyme Regis Bus routes

Previous closures at this location have shown the following needs to be considered:  

  • the closure can only take place in winter months as Lyme Regis is less busy with visitors
  • bus routes need to be rerouted
  • this section of road is very narrow and limits pedestrian access when road is closed

Lyme Regis demographic profile

Lyme Regis has a population of 3,708 which is broken down into the following age groups:

  • 0-15 years   433 (11.7%)
  • 16-64 years 1901(51.3%)
  • 65+ years 1374 (37.1%)
  • 76.8% of residents report having very good or good health.
  • 20.5% do not have a car or van in household

(Census 2011. Office for National Statistics)

Bus routes

Lyme Regis is served by the following buses:

  • X53 Jurassic Weymouth to Axminster 
  • X51 Dorchester to Axminster 
  • 9A Seaton to Lyme Regis 
  • 71 Lyme Regis Town Bus 

X53/X51 operates daily arriving in Lyme Regs every two hours from 08.26 to 17.24. 

71 operates Monday to Friday is a circular bus route to and from Fairfield Park, leaving Fairfield Park at 09.12, 10.15, 11.15, 13.15 and 14.15. 

9A operates Monday to Friday leaving Lyme Regis The Square at 09.27 and then at 27 minutes each hour until 13.35, 14.35,15.35, 16.50, 17.50, 18.55, 19.55 and 20.55. 

Engagement or consultation that has taken place as part of this EqIA

  • 12 weeks before the road closure. The Dorset Council Traffic team will consult with all major stakeholders nationally, regionally, and local. This includes all coach and bus companions
  • immediate local residents will be notified by letter and signs will be displayed on the road
  • information to the public will be circulated well in advance of the proposed closure, including Lyme Online Newspaper publishing an article on the road closure
  • Dorset Council are working together with Lyme Regis Town Council to do a combined EqIA around the road closure


LRTC will monitor social media and review the arrangements on a weekly basis. 

To monitor the responses to pre works consultation and then feed back


Impacts of the strategy 

Impacts on who or what  Effect  Details 
Age:  Unclear/Negative 

For people who live on the east side of the town and use buses to travel into Lyme Regis or travel out onto other destinations, will have embark/disembark the bus in the opposite direction, so travelling westwards potentially along Anning Road to then reach The Square/Cobb Gate in Lyme Regis.  

Re-routing the bus will help to mitigate against people having to walk a distance to catch a bus which may impact on young children and older people.  

Census information shows that 37.1% of the Lyme Regis population are aged over % 65+year and 11.7% are aged 0-15 years. We are not able to break this data down into the numbers who live on the east side of the town or who use the bus services. 

Pedestrians would still have access to The Square/Cobb Gate via Church Street


(including physical, mental, sensory and progressive conditions)

Pregnancy and maternity


Bus users with any disability and who live and use buses to travel into Lyme Regis or travel out onto other destinations, will have embark/disembark the bus in the opposite direction, so travelling westwards potentially along Anning Road to then reach The Square/Cobb Gate in Lyme Regis.  

Depending on where the bus routes are located on the opposite journey may mean a greater distance to travel which could impact on people with limited or reduced mobility. 

Pedestrians would still have access to The Square/Cobb Gate via Church Street and this access will be fully accessible and include high visibility markers and ramps.

Gender Reassignment & Gender Identity

Race and Ethnicity:

Religion or belief: 

Sexual orientation

Sex (consider both men and women)

Marriage or civil partnership

Rural isolation

Single parent families

Social & economic deprivation

Armed Forces communities

Neutral  We do not anticipate that is work will have an impact on this protected characteristic group
Carers Negative 

For people who live on the east side of the town and use buses to travel into Lyme Regis Lyme Regis or travel out onto other destinations, will have embark/disembark the bus in the opposite direction, so travelling westwards potentially along Anning Road to then reach The Square/Cobb Gate in Lyme Regis.  

Depending on where the bus routes are located on the opposite journey may mean a greater distance to travel which this could impact on carers, who may be caring for another individual. 


Key to effects or impacts 

Positive  - the proposal eliminates discrimination, advances equality of opportunity and/or fosters good relations with protected groups

Negative - protected characteristic group(s) could be disadvantaged or discriminated against

Neutral - no change/ no assessed significant impact of protected characteristic groups

Negative - protected characteristic group(s) could be disadvantaged or discriminated against

Action Plan

Issue  Action to be taken  Person(s) responsible  Date to be completed by 

Age & Disability: 

Bus rerouting 

LRTC will engage with the local bus companies to allow for services on Charmouth Rd. Where this is not possible LRTC will enquire with the town bus service (service 71) to provide weekend cover to take members of the public to the Broad Street bus stop.  Officers at Lyme Regis Town Council

March 2022  

No defined date yet, but consultation will take place in the first 13 weeks before the road closure 

Age & Disability: 

Bus rerouting

It is possible that closing the road may unfairly disadvantage some people as the bus stop may move further away. LRTC will attempt to mitigate this by engagement with the bus companies and town bus service for off-peak travel  Officers at Lyme Regis Town Council and Dorset Council March 2022 
Diversion around Works   The Dorset Council Traffic team will consult with all major stakeholders nationally, regionally, and local. This includes all coach and general road haulage companies, police and emergency organisations.    Officers at Dorset Council Traffic Team  March 2022 

People who have agreed the EQIA 

Officer completing this EqIA: Roger Bell  Date: 27 June 2021

Equality Lead: Susan Ward-Rice Date: 29 June 2021

Second Sign Off: Rebecca Forrester  Date: 30 June 2021