We will improve access to and use of Dorset’s environment in a sustainable way which protects it for future generations.
How we will achieve it
What we will do to achieve the outcome:
- we will develop a local nature recovery strategy
- an ecological baseline will be undertaken as part of the 2030 aspirations
- we will strengthen partnership working to support the aspirations of the ecological emergency programme at scale, working closely with the Dorset Local Nature Partnership
- we will have protected our wildlife and local species
- we will work across the farm estate to develop the innovation potential across renewable energy generation and technologies, agricultural and business development, and ecology and nature recovery
- there will have been an improvement in air, land and water quality since last measured
Lead role / service:
- Head of Environment and Wellbeing
- Portfolio Holder for Highways, Travel and Environment
How we will achieve it
What we will do to achieve the outcome:
- new bidding capability will be in place to attract government funding to enable the council to meet its net zero target by 2040
- we will continue the decarbonisation of the Dorset Council vehicle fleet including expansion of electric vehicles by 2024
- energy and water efficient technologies will have been installed in our properties
- we will continue to reduce the carbon emissions from our estate utilising efficient renewable energy supplies such as solar power
- a new carbon and ecological decision-making tool will be integrated into council decision-making
- employee and councillor carbon and ecological literacy training models will be available
Lead role / service:
- Corporate Director Climate and Ecological
- Portfolio Holder for Highways, Travel and Environment
How we will achieve it
What we will do to achieve the outcome:
- a comprehensive engagement approach will be developed with residents, businesses, and town and parish councils
- Dorset Council will source external funds to deliver against its 2050 ambitions, with a focus on housing and transport
- we will facilitate an increase in renewable energy generation across Dorset
- we will shape supporting and underpinning policies such as the local transport plan, economic development strategy, and local plan to enable and support decarbonisation.
- we will manage the impact of waste on the Dorset environment by implementing a reduce and reuse campaign, increasing recycling rates and reducing the volume of waste to landfill
Lead role / service:
- Corporate Director Climate and Ecological
- Portfolio Holder for Highways, Travel and Environment
- Head of Commercial Waste and Strategy/Head of Waste Operations
How we will achieve it
- We will deliver an adaptation strategy setting out how we will adapt to the unavoidable impacts of climate change and become climate resilient.
Lead role / service:
- Corporate Director Climate and Ecological
- Portfolio Holder for Highways, Travel and Environment
How we will achieve it
- A joined-up delivery approach will be implemented for place-based management and maintenance including assets, highways and coast and greenspaces.
Lead role / service
- Corporate Director Economic Growth and Infrastructure
- Portfolio Holder for Highways, Travel and Environment
How we will achieve it
- We will respond to the harbour revision orders, provide a more consistent customer experience when moving from harbour to harbour and align fees and charges.
Lead role / service:
- Head of Environment and Wellbeing
- Portfolio Holder for Highways, Travel and Environment