Customer care and safeguarding

This course looks at infection control, health and safety, how to help in a medical emergency, an explanation on Autism and how changing the way we communicate can make a world of difference. The Equality Act 2010, Seatbelt and passenger safety, hazards and risks. Duty of care and legal responsibilities.

Case reviews, code of conduct, 'keeping children safe in education 2022', safeguarding lead officers, vulnerability of children, categories of abuse and child sexual exploitation. This is then followed by 'How to respond to and report concerns, including disclosures', who to report to, and safer working practice.

Emergency first aid

This course incorporates CPR with use of defibrillators, Unconscious casualty - recovery position, choking, wounds, bleeding and minor injuries. Broken bones, head injuries, responding to a child with a life threatening medical illness and asthma.


Course Cost
Customer Care, Safeguarding £35
Emergency First Aid £35

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Training Officer - Dorset Travel Training Centre

Name: Dorset Travel Centre
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