Before you start

Our check the validation checklist tells you what we need to register your application. It will help you to make sure you give us all the information we need.

We will check your application and let you know if we need anything to make it valid.

We will not be able to register your application if: 

  • the application form is not completed correctly
  • any necessary application fee is not paid
  • you do not supply sufficiently detailed plans or other supporting information

If we do not hear back from you within 21 days of contacting you, your application will be closed, and application fee paid will be refunded, this will not include the Planning Portal service charge. You will need to reapply and make a new application.

Before you submit you should

Before you submit, you should:

There are a range of constraints that may need to be considered when developing in Dorset. DorsetExplorer provides an overview of the information that can be a helpful start

Validation Advice Surgery

For Householder and Listed Building applications only, consider using validation advice surgery.  This is a pre bookable service which provides a 30 minute virtual or telephone appointment with an experienced planning technical support officer. This service costs £100 (inc. VAT). Please choose validation advice when submitting your pre application request. You will need to provide a location plan with the site clearly outlined in red.

You should also

You should also:

Biodiversity net gain

From 12 February 2024 the delivery of minimum 10% biodiversity net gain (BNG) will become a mandatory requirement under the Environment Act for most major planning applications and from the 2 April 2024 this requirement will include small sites. Full validation requirements for BNG are set out in our check the validation checklist. If BNG applies to your proposal the local list requirement includes the need to submit a BNG statement with your application at validation. Read more about biodiversity net gain.

We have produced a Biodiversity Net Gain Guidance Note for Applicants and Agents which summarises the background to biodiversity net gain and how it should be delivered. The document will be updated regularly as further government guidance on BNG is produced.

Documentation submitted

Copying or using electronic versions or paper copies of the plans or drawings and information without permission of the plan drawer/architect is likely to be a copyright infringement. Protected under the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988 (Section 47, 1988 Act). Please make sure that you have the permission to use any plans or drawings before submitting them as part of your application. The council is unable to accept drawings when there appears to be a copyright infringement, and this may result in a delay in registering your application.  

We will publish documentation submitted in support of an application on our website to facilitate the planning process.  This will include applicant name and address and, where an agent is acting, the name and address of that agent.  For more information about how we process personal data, please see our privacy notice.

We will redact personal data in accordance with our data protection policies. If you are providing information that is confidential, reference this in the file name or mark it clearly for our attention.

We will contact you if confidentiality would affect the transparency of the planning process. For example certain viability information.

Apply for planning permission

The Planning Portal gives step-by-step advice about planning. You can use it to submit and view your submitted applications.

When we receive an application, it will normally take us 5 working days to start looking at it to make sure we have all the information we need to register it. If you do not hear from us within 10 working days, please contact us to make sure we have received the application.

Paper copies of forms

We always suggest that you apply online, but you can get paper copies from the Planning Portal. You can:

We only need one copy if you e-mail them to us.

Application types not currently available online:

Minerals and waste planning applications

Planning application forms for minerals development are not available from the Planning Portal. Any application relating to minerals development should use the minerals application form.

The following documents are also available to download:

Waste management facilities

In the case of waste management facilities, you may also need to:

  • apply for a waste management licence or an integrated pollution prevention control consent
  • obtain confirmation that the development is exempt from these requirements

Contact the Environment Agency for more information.

Building Control

In addition to planning permission for your building work you may also need Building Control approval under the building regulations. At Dorset Council Building Control, we are committed to ensuring a high level of customer service meeting the need of the regulations, we will work with you to provide:

  • competitive quotes bespoke to your project that are good value
  • a local qualified Officer who knows the area, the builders, and the architects
  • a service that is totally independent, impartial, and accountable
  • a customer focused service to help you throughout the entire project

 For further information and an initial discussion on all the services that we provide please contact Building Control.. 

Contact planning

See our contact details. It includes our response times and the areas we cover.