Our Community Infrastructure Levy Calculator will be unavailable on Saturday 25 May due to website maintenance.

The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) was introduced by the Planning Act 2008 and enables local authorities to deliver infrastructure in support of development in their area, through the adoption of a charging schedule. It is charged at a set amount per square metre of additional floor area and increases each year on 1 January, using the value published by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors.

The CIL Regulations was amended on 1 September 2019 and detailed guidance on CIL for planning permissions granted after this date, is published by the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government. Planning permission granted before this date is subject to the previous version of the Legislation and relevant guidance. The forms used to submit information have also been amended and can be found on the Planning Portal website.

From 1 April 2019, Dorset Council became the charging authority for the rural part of the county and administers the following CIL Charging Schedules.

Dorset Council does not operate CIL in the former North Dorset area and mitigation required to support the needs of new development is secured through section 106 legal agreements.  

A single charging schedule that will cover the whole of the Dorset Council administrative area is currently being developed and will be introduced in conjunction with the adoption of the emerging Dorset Council Local Plan. 


If you have a development proposal which is CIL liable, please follow the guidance issued on your liability notice carefully as failure to adhere to the CIL processes may result in the loss of relief and addition of surcharges. The commencement of development is an important stage for both CIL and Building Control. If your development is CIL liable, a Commencement Notice must be submitted to the Dorset Council CIL Team prior to work (including any associated demolition) taking place.

Please make sure you have assumed liability for your proposal and sought relief where necessary prior to commencement too. If in doubt, please check with the CIL Team before commencing work.

For advice on Building Regulation requirements before starting work, please visit the Building Control pages.

CIL Rates

The CIL rates to be charged for each team's charging schedule, from 1 January 2024, are contained in the tables below. The CIL Calculator will give an approximate value for the liability payable on a chargeable development.  Please note, the published rates and calculator are for reference only and approximate to two decimal places.  Therefore, the  liability calculated may not be the actual value for the floor area proposed that is stated on the Liability Notice.

East Dorset Area Charging Schedule

Use Class Description  2024 CIL Rate per sq. m.

Residential (more than 10 units)



Residential (10 units or less or less than 1000sqm)



Residential on the following New Neighbourhood sites (allocated in the Core Strategy) which provide their own Suitable Alternative Natural Green Space (SANG) as mitigation for European sites:

Cuthbury Allotments and St Margaret's Hill (WMC5) - 220 dwellings

Cranborne Road, North Wimborne (WMC6) - 600 dwellings

South of Leigh Road (WMC8) - 350 dwellings

Lockyers School and land North of Corfe Mullen (CM1) - 250 dwellings

Holmwood House New Neighbourhood (FWP3) - 150 dwellings (resolution to grant planning permission)

East of New Road, West Parley (FWP6) - 320 dwellings

West of New Road, West Parley (FWP7) - 150 dwellings

North Western Verwood New Neighbourhood (VTSW4) - 230 dwellings

North Eastern Verwood New Neighbourhood (VTSW5) - 65 dwellings (resolution to grant planning permission)

Stone Lane, Wimborne (WMC6) - 90 dwellings

Zero Rated


Residential on sites of 40 or more dwellings where on-site SANG is required by the Local Planning Authority

Zero Rated


Extra Care Housing and Housing for Vulnerable People (developments that comprise self-contained homes with design features and support services available to enable self-care and independent living)




Zero Rated


Care Homes




Zero Rated


Light Industrial / Warehousing 

Zero Rated


Convenience Retail 



Comparison Retail 

Zero Rated


Public service and Community Facilities

Zero Rated


Standard Charge (all other uses not covered)

Zero Rated

Purbeck Area Charging Schedule

Use Class Description 2023 CIL Rate per sq. m.




Financial & Professional Services in town centre



Restaurants / Cafes



Drinking Establishments



Hot Food Takeaways


 B1 (a)


 Zero Rated

 B1 (b)

Research & Development

 Zero Rated

 B1 (c)

Light Industrial

 Zero Rated


General Industrial

 Zero Rated


Storage & Distribution

 Zero Rated


Hotels & Guesthouses

 Zero Rated


Residential Institutions

 Zero Rated

Care Homes 

Swanage/The Coast


Wareham/Purbeck Rural Fringe


Upton/Purbeck Rural Centre

 Zero Rated


Sheltered and Retirement Housing 

Swanage/The Coast


Wareham/Purbeck Rural Fringe


Upton/Purbeck Rural Centre

 Zero Rated


Other Residential Dwellings 

Swanage/The Coast


Wareham/Purbeck Rural Fringe


Purbeck Rural Centre





Non Residential Institutions

 Zero Rated


Assembly & Leisure

 Zero Rated

West Dorset Area Charging Schedule

 Use Class Description 2023 CIL Rate per sq. m. 
 C3 Dwellings  £140.59
 C3 Dwellings with Restricted Holiday Use  £140.59
 C3 Essential Rural Workers' Dwellings  Zero Rated
 N/A All other development  Zero Rated

Strategic Site Allocations:

Littlemoor Urban Extension - LITT1

Chickerell Urban Extension - CHIC2

Land at Crossways - CRS1

Land at Vearse Farm - BRID1

 Zero Rated

Weymouth & Portland Area Charging Schedule

Use Class Description 2023 CIL Rate per sq. m.

Dwellings (all areas except Portland)



Dwellings (Portland)



Dwellings with restricted holiday use (all areas except Portland)



Dwellings with restricted holiday use (Portland)



Essential rural workers' dwellings

 Zero Rated


All other development

  Zero Rated


Strategic site allocations:

LITT1 - Littlemoor urban extension

WEY10 - Markham & Little Francis

 Zero Rated

The total amount of liability calculated for a development can be paid in instalments, in accordance with the instalment policies currently adopted for each Charging Schedule area.

The Purbeck Charging Schedule is currently under review alongside the Local Plan Review PLP1.

In accordance with CIL Regulation 121A, the council produces an infrastructure funding statement for each financial year.  The statement reports information on the receipt and expenditure of all obligations secured by CIL and section 106 agreements. 

View the statement by year:

In accordance with CIL Regulation 59A, the council has a duty to pay a proportion of the relevant CIL receipts from chargeable development that occurs within the area administered by a Town or Parish Council.  The amount paid is either 25% for councils with an adopted Neighbourhood Plan and 15% for those councils without an adopted plan.  In accordance with CIL Regulation 59D, payments are made in April and October of each year to cover the receipts collected in the previous 6 months, respectively and Town & Parish Council CIL Payments show the amounts paid to date. Dorset Council has produced guidance and information about the neighbourhood proportion of CIL receipts passed to Town & Parish Councils.

See information about planning legal agreements and compliance. To view previous monitoring reports or other documents, contact us.

Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) and Planning Obligations

Email: CIL@dorsetcouncil.gov.uk
Full contact details