A number of communities are currently working on neighbourhood plans. Find out more about the plans and their preparation.

Designated neighbourhood plan areas

A number of communities are working on preparing a neighbourhood plan. Once the District or Borough Council have designated a neighbourhood area we will include them on a  map, which will show all the neighbourhood area designated across the area.

Area Name Designated Area Map Designation Date Neighbourhood Plan Website Contact
Beaminster Beaminster Neighbourhood Plan Area 11 December 2017 N/A Mrs Christine Bright  townclerk@beaminster-tc.gov.uk

Cllr Janet Page  cnj@hand-n-head.uk

Charmouth Charmouth Neighbourhood Plan Area 29 September 2014 Charmouth Parish Council Website Parish Clerk
Chesil Bank Chesil Bank Neighbourhood Plan Area 10 January 2019 N/A

Mrs Michele Harding theclerk@chesilbankparish.org

Chetnole & Stockwood Chetnole & Stockwood Neighbourhood Plan Area 23 March 2017 Chetnole and Stockwood Parish Council Website Mrs Sue Woodford - Parish Clerk


Chickerell Chickerell Neighbourhood Plan Area 13 September 2016 Chickerell Town Council Website

Mrs Nicola Briar (Town Clerk/Responsible Financial Officer)  townclerk@chickerell-tc.gov.uk

Corscombe, Halstock and District Corscombe, Halstock and District Neighbourhood Plan Area 2 November 2016 N/A Clerk: Mrs Freda Hennessy

freda@fredahennessy.plus.com or  corscombe@dorset-aptc.gov.uk

Leigh Leigh Neighbourhood Plan Area 18 May 2016 Leigh Parish Council Website Sandra Scutt, Chair of Leigh Parish Council -   sandra.leighpc@btinternet.com 
Longburton (Cam Vale) Longburton (Cam Vale) Neighbourhood Plan Area June 2013 N/A Parish Clerk
Maiden Newton and Frome Vauchurch Maiden Newton and Frome Vauchurch September 2015 N/A

Anne Holloway -clerk@maidennewton-pc.gov.uk

Portland Portland Neighbourhood Plan Area November 2013 N/A Portland Town Council
Puddletown Puddletown Neighbourhood Plan Area January 2014 Puddletown Parish Website Parish Clerk
Queen Thorne Queen Thorne Neighbourhood Plan Area 10 July 2019 Queen Thorne Neighbourhood Plan Website

Rose Edwards - Parish Clerk clerk@queenthorneparishcouncil.gov.uk 

Stinsford Stinsford Neighbourhood Plan Area 12 September 2017 Stinsford Neighbourhood Plan Website Kirsty Riglar


Weymouth Weymouth Neighbourhood Plan Area 6 July 2020 Weymouth Neighbourhood Plan Website Neighbourhood Plan Working Group neighbourhood@weymouthtowncouncil.gov.uk
Yetminster and Ryme Intrinseca  Yetminster and Ryme Intrinseca Neighbourhood Plan Area 13 June 2016 Yetminster and Ryme Intrinseca Neighbourhood Plan Website Parish Clerk

Designated neighbourhood forums

Where there is no town or parish council the community needs to set up a neighbourhood forum to develop a neighbourhood plan.

Neighbourhood Forum Date Agreed Related Documents Contact
Askerswell 10 February 2015

Askerswell Forum Constitution and Membership

Howard Atkinson -  hj_askerswell@btinternet.com

Once designated, the forum will remain designated for five years, unless withdrawn by the council either at the request of the forum, or because the forum no longer meets the above conditions relating to its membership or purpose.

Strategic Policy (West Dorset)

Email: planningpolicyteamb@dorsetcouncil.gov.uk
Full contact details