Planning Inspector’s report on the Examination of the Purbeck Local Plan (2018-2034)

After submission of the Purbeck Local Plan in January 2019, public hearings were held in July and October 2019. Following these hearings a series of modifications have been prepared and consulted upon. Having considered the consultation responses, the Planning Inspectors issued their final report on the Examination of the Purbeck Local Plan on 7 May 2024. The Inspectors have found that:

‘…the duty to cooperate has been met and that with the recommended MMs, FMMs and SMMs set out in the Appendix, the Purbeck Local Plan satisfies the requirements referred to in Section 20(5)(a) of the 2004 Act and is sound.’

(Paragraph 293 of Inspector’s final report).

The Appendix to the Inspector’s report lists the finalised Main Modifications to the submission draft of the local plan.

The examination into the Purbeck Local Plan has now closed, but the Planning Inspectorate are inviting feedback on the examination process. If you were involved in the examination because you made comments in writing and/or you took part in a hearing session, please fill in this short survey. Any comments you make will be confidential.

A report will now be prepared for the meeting of Dorset Council on 18 July 2024, recommending that the Purbeck Local Plan be adopted and used for planning decision making purposes within the plan area.

Community Infrastructure Levy examination

To avoid delay and maintain delivery of the Purbeck Local Plan, the draft revised Community Infrastructure Levy charging schedule has been withdrawn from public examination. An Exceptional Circumstances Relief Policy for the Purbeck charging area has been prepared. The relief policy is presented in Appendix A of a report to Dorset Council’s Cabinet on 12 March 2024. The policy will come into effect at a date agreed by the Head of Planning in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Planning. The earliest point at which this will occur is after the adoption of the Purbeck Local Plan. This web page will be kept up to date with details of the implementation of the Exceptional Circumstances Relief Policy.