Neighbourhood Planning is about giving local people a say over the future growth of their area.

They can say what new homes will look like and where they will be built, where employment should be located, what community facilities should be protected or what others are needed as well as protecting green spaces and the environment.

Supporting information

For further information see the following links:

Neighbourhood planning news

Wimborne St Giles neighbourhood plan has passed referendum on Thursday 20 March 2025 with 78.5% in favour. More information is available on our Wimborne St Giles Neighbourhood Plan webpage. 

The referendum of the Wool neighbourhood plan took place on Thursday 20 March 2025. A majority voted in favour of the plan.  The next step is for the plan to be formally made by Cabinet. For more details, see our Wool Neighbourhood Plan webpage. 

The Bridport Neighbourhood Area (comprising of the parishes of Bridport and Symondsbury) has been amended on 6 March 2025 to reflect changes made to the parish boundary arising from a Community Governance Review. For more details, see our: Decision - Amendment to the Bridport Neighbourhood Area - Dorset Council.

Weymouth Neighbourhood Plan has been submitted for examination. If you wish to comment please contact us by Thursday 10 April 2025. More information is available on our Weymouth Neighbourhood Plan webpage. 

Dorset Council Cabinet ‘made’ (adopted) the Fontmell Magna Neighbourhood Plan – First Review on 25 February 2025. To view the plan and other associated documents, see our Fontmell Magna Neighbourhood Plan webpage.

An independent examiner Andrew Mead BSc (Hons) MRTPI MIQ has been appointed for Knightsford Neighbourhood Plan (the parishes of Tincleton, West Knighton, West Stafford and Woodsford). More information is available on our Knightsford Neighbourhood Plan webpage. 

How neighbourhood plans related to adopted local plans in Dorset Council

When adopted, neighbourhood plans become part of the development plan for the area. See the adopted local plans. This means they will sit alongside the Local Plan and be considered in deciding whether or not planning permission should be given. Plans that will be adopted after the adoption of the Dorset Council Local Plan will become part of this plan.

Please see the maps below showing the designated neighbourhood areas and the neighbourhood plans in the Dorset Council area:

Planning Policy

Name: Planning policy team
Name: Dorchester office
Tel: 01305 838334
Full contact details