Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report
Sustainability appraisal is a way of assessing the potential social, environmental and economic effects of the minerals and waste development plans.
The Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report 2015 sets out a number of sustainability objectives which were used to assess the policies and proposals in the waste plan and mineral sites plan. It also sets out baseline information for each of the topics addressed through the sustainability appraisal process.
Consultation on the Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report ended on 6 March 2015. In accordance with the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) Directive, the statutory environmental bodies were invited to comment, along with the Local Economic Partnership, Local Nature Partnership and Homes and Communities Agency. Other stakeholders were also welcome to review and comment on the scope of the sustainability appraisal.
During the consultation, responses were received from the Environment Agency, Dorset Wildlife Trust and English Heritage, resulting in a number of minor changes which are incorporated.
You can download the Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report and the series of accompanying topic papers here.
Topic Paper 1 - Waste - superseded.
Topic Paper 2 - Minerals
Topic Paper 3 - Climate Change and Energy
Topic Paper 4 - Biodiversity and Geodiversity
Topic Paper 5 - Water
Topic Paper 6 - Historic Environment
Topic Paper 7 - Landscape
Topic Paper 8 - Air Quality and Noise
Topic Paper 9 - Transport
Topic Paper 10 - Economic Development and Employment
Topic Paper 11 - Soil and Land
Topic Paper 12 - Population and Human Health
Please note: Topic paper 1 was substantially updated and re-published as background paper 1 to the Waste Plan during the preparation of that Plan.
Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report 2010
The Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report 2010 can be downloaded here.
It was used to assess the policies and proposals during preparation of the Minerals Strategy 2014.