The main purpose of the Joint Retail and Leisure Study (2017 & 2019 Update) is to inform the review of the Christchurch and East Dorset Core Strategy (2014) and the Bournemouth Local Plan, Core Strategy (2012). The study has been prepared by Lichfields on behalf of the councils.

The 2017 Joint Retail and Leisure Study is split into two volumes. Volume 1 Bournemouth, Christchurch and East Dorset Joint Retail and Leisure Study provides need assessments for retail and other main town centre uses.

Volume 2 Bournemouth Christchurch and East Dorset Joint Retail and Leisure Study relates specifically to Christchurch and East Dorset. This volume examines how projected growth could be accommodated and provides policy recommendations.

An Update Addendum Report (2019) provides a partial update of the JRLS, and should be read alongside Volume 1 and 2 of the JRLS 2017. 

What does the study include?

The Joint Retail and Leisure Study (2017) includes an assessment of:

  1. changes in circumstances and shopping patterns since the previous studies were undertaken, including the effects of the recession, the availability of 2011 Census data, the requirements of the NPPF and the recent changes to permitted development rights
  2. the future need and (residual) capacity for retail, food and beverage and leisure floorspace for the period up to 2033
  3. the potential implications of emerging developments both within and Bournemouth, Christchurch and East Dorset, in terms of impact on town centres and potential changes to shopping patterns
  4. the existing retail hierarchy and network of centres and advises whether any changes are required; and
  5. development plan policies, allocations and recommendations on how each centre can develop its role

The Update Addendum Report (2019) replaces the following sections of the 2017 study:

JRLS Volume 1

  • Section 1 – Policy Context, National Policy (paragraphs 2.1 to 2.13)
  • Section 4 – Future Requirements for Retail Uses (paragraphs 4.1 and 4.70)
  • Section 6 – Conclusions (Paragraphs 6.1 to 6.11);
  • Appendix 2 Convenience Assessment;
  • Appendix 3 Comparison Assessment;
  • Appendix 4 – Food/Beverage assessment;

JRLS Volume 2

  • Section 4 – Accommodating Growth.

This report updates the retail and food / beverage floorspace capacity projections 2017 – 2033. This takes into account implications of the revised National Planning Policy Framework (2018), updated population projections and Experian’s latest expenditure forecasts (2018).

Planning Policy - East Dorset area

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