The consultation on the Revised Preliminary Draft Charging Schedules ran from 11 September until the 9 October 2015.

Following advice from the Planning Inspectorate, we are not in a position to adopt our recently approved Community Infrastructure Levy due to the impact of changes to national planning guidance. In accordance with Regulation 15 of the Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations 2010 (as amended), we are undertaking a partial review of the Charging Schedules and published Preliminary Draft Charging Schedules for consultation.

Thank you for the comments received. The following documents are still available to view:

Consultation documents

Supporting documents

Evidence documents

This revised document was based on the our Charging Schedules which had been considered at the Examination in the spring of 2015 and we only sought to amend the Charging Schedule to take account of the impact of the reversal of national guidance in respect of small scale residential developments. All other aspects of the Charging Schedule remain unchanged from that considered at the Examination in the spring of this year.

Planning Policy - East Dorset area

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