In order to provide robust and independent evidence to help consider the implications of development of land to the north of Dorchester for the historic environment, Dorset Council commissioned a Heritage Impact Assessment for the site. Please use the following links to view the separate chapters of the assessment.

  • Chapter 4 - Part 1 - Assessment of designated heritage assets on site - Scheduled monuments
  • Chapter 4 - Part 2 - Assessment of designated heritage assets on site - Other designated assets 
  • Chapter 5 - Part 1 - Assessment of non-designated heritage assets on site - Prehistoric to medieval assets
  • Chapter 5 - Part 2 - Assessment of non-designated heritage assets on site - Post-medieval assets
  • Chapter 6 - Part 1 - Assessment of designated heritage assets with the potential to experience setting change - Scheduled monuments
  • Chapter 6 - Part 2 - Assessment of designated heritage assets with the potential to experience setting change - Listed Buildings
  • Chapter 6 - Part 3 - Assessment of designated heritage assets with the potential to experience setting change - Registered parks and gardens, and conservation areas
  • Chapter 7 - Assessment of non-designated heritage assets with the potential to experience setting change
  • Chapter 8 - Archaeological potential
  • Chapter 9 - Summary, Conclusions, and Appendices