Local Authority Building Control (LABC) is an organisation that represents and supports local authority building control teams in England and Wales. They offer expert impartial advice on all types of developments, including:

  • comprehensive advice to homeowners
  • advice on home improvements and building regulations
  • working with builders and designers

Are you planning a home improvement project?

There are a number of ways you can find building regulation advice on the LABC Front Door website:

The responsibility for ensuring the development complies with Building Regulations lies ultimately with the property or landowner and occupier. This is separate to any requirements for planning permission or listed building consent that you may need. See further advice and guidance on the Dorset Council Building Control processes.

Building Control collaborates with various other local authority services to ensure comprehensive management of building projects. Building Control Inspectors employed by Dorset Council follow appropriate professional standards and practices in accordance with their obligations.  

Contact Building Control

See our contact details