Meet Izzy Pochin (Research Officer, Disability Employee Network Lead and co-chair of the Corporate Accessibility Group).

I started in 2017 as an apprentice in Customer Services and quickly moved to a permanent role in finance. Over three years, I advanced four grades across three different roles, gaining experience in two directorates.

My work has consistently involved digital solutions, from encouraging customers to self-serve online to promoting digital skills as a Workplace Digital Champion.

In 2021, I became the lead for our Disability Employee Network, co-producing tools like the Reasonable Adjustment Passport and Disability Leave Policy to support disabled colleagues across our organisation.

What I love about my work is the variety – from helping customers understand data and creating dashboards, to creating research papers that advocate for Dorset’s needs.

Working at Dorset Council has given me the opportunity to make a real difference, by ensuring that disabled people (like me), are supported to have their needs and experiences fully understood.

Outside of work, I love spending time with family and friends, and being out and about in nature. Whether it's noticing the wildflowers on our verges and roundabouts or being by the sea, keeping fit, listening to and playing music (an impromptu trad folk session is a wonderful thing!) or baking!

Recently, I feel like I've reached a big milestone in my journey with Dorset Council, agreeing my own Reasonable Adjustment Passport.

As an autistic person, I'm proud to role-model the types of adjustments that can really help autistic and neurodivergent colleagues to thrive in a world that can be tricky to navigate.