We have a number of open contracting models that suppliers can apply to enter. These are always open for new applicants.

Current opportunities

Digital and tech innovators

Dorset Council is developing an ecosystem of innovation partners across public sector, academia, research and industry. Here you can apply to register on the Council’s Digital Innovation Dynamic Purchasing System which will:

  • identify organisations looking to work with us on digital innovation initiatives
  • make organisations aware of opportunities to work with the council and its digital innovation partners
  • publish details of services and projects to allow organisations to compete for opportunities
  • help us contract with organisations in an open and transparent way

Dorset Families Matter

Supporting Families is a national government initiative with the aim of helping thousands of families across England get support to address multiple, complex problems. We call this programme Dorset Families Matter. We want to establish a Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) to make a range of support interventions available from service providers to deliver positive changes for children, young people and their families.

Transport operators

Transport operators can apply to register on the Passenger Transport Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS). Dorset Travel use the DPS as the mechanism to procure and award transport contracts.

Occasionally Dorset Travel is required to procure and award transport contracts outside the above DPS, for example, due to timescales. In these cases, Dorset Travel will seek quotes on a ‘spot bid’ basis. Only transport operators appointed onto the above DPS will be invited to quote on any spot bid. These terms and conditions of contract and this specification will apply to any contract awarded as result of a spot bid.

Providers of care and support, housing and community safety services

Providers can apply to register on the Dorset Care, Support, Housing and Community Safety Framework. Our Adults and Housing Directorate uses the Open Framework to procure a range of high quality, personalised care and support, housing and community safety services.

Training providers

Training providers can apply to register on the Apprenticeship Training Providers Dynamic Purchasing Systems (DPS). We use the DPS to procure and award learning and development services that directly relate to the provision of apprenticeships.

Road surface treatment services

Contractors can apply to register on the Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) for Road Surface Treatments. Dorset Council use the DPS as the mechanism to procure and award contracts for road surface treatments, maintenance and services.

Community Health Improvement Services (CHIS)

In accordance with The Health Care Services (Provider Selection Regime) Regulations 2023 (the “Regulations”), the Council (the “Relevant Authority”) wishes to provide an unrestricted patient choice provision in respect of Community Health Improvement Services (CHIS). The Council seeks to award contracts, under Direct Award Process B of the Regulations, to eligible providers for the provision of the following CHIS:

Service 1: NHS Health Checks

Service 2: Emergency Hormonal Contraception (EHC) Services

Service 3: Long-Acting Reversible Contraception (LARC)

Service 4: Open Access Needle Exchange Services

Service 5: Supervised Consumption Services

Service 6: Community-Based Smoking Cessation Services

More information about open contracting models

Our open contracting models are either Dynamic Purchasing Systems (DPS) or open frameworks.

Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) 

A Dynamic Purchasing System contracting model is a fully electronic tendering system for commonly used purchases.

It is for providers who comply with minimum selection requirements (applications to join are considered within 10 working days).

The benefits of a DPS:

  • provides reduced timescales for individual purchases (call-offs)
  • is held within our e-tender system - ProContract 
  • is relatively quick and simple to use
  • not restricted on the number of suppliers
  • open for new suppliers to join at any time throughout its duration which means:
    • the market can remain competitive in terms of cost and quality
    • prices can remain current
    • innovation is driven by allowing new suppliers to join
    • no need for suppliers to keep providing the same information

Suppliers admitted to the DPS will be invited to submit tenders for specific call-off contracts for goods, services or works as they are identified.

Contracts will be awarded to the tenderer who submitted the best tender based on the criteria given.

Open frameworks

A framework is an agreement between suppliers and government - all suppliers agree to the same terms when they apply.

An open framework is for health, social, education and other related services.  It is a fully electronic process and is for the selection of providers that comply with minimum requirements.

An open framework will remain open throughout its duration, or as specified in the framework, for any tenderer who meets the selection criteria. Tenderers admitted to the framework will be invited to submit tenders for specific call-off contracts for services.