UPDATE: Portland Incinerator - Dorset Council Leader receives reply from central government

Updated Monday 18 November 2024
Cllr. Nick Ireland, Leader of Dorset Council, has now received a reply from Rushanara Ali MP, responding to his letter to Rt Hon Angela Rayner MP regarding the government’s overturning of our Planning decision to refuse the Portland Incinerator.
Cllr. Ireland said “Needless to say, I am disappointed with the response. The government appears to have now washed its hands of this serious concern, stating that neither the Inspector nor the Secretary of State has any further role in the matter. My suggestion to look at carbon capture methods to mitigate the incinerator’s emissions was also ignored.
“As shown from the scale of this weekend’s demonstration, the people of Portland clearly do not welcome this incinerator. Dorset Council stands by its original Planning decision to refuse this application, and we will continue to look at ways we can try to stop this unwanted development from proceeding.”
The original letter (published Wednesday 23 October 2024)
Following the government's decision to overturn Dorset Council's refusal of the Portland Incinerator, Dorset Council Leader Cllr Nick Ireland has written to the Rt Hon Angela Rayner MP, Deputy Prime Minister and Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government.
"Dear Deputy Prime Minister,
I would like to take the opportunity to express my deep disappointment at the recent decision by government to grant permission for the proposed incinerator on the edge of Portland Port.
The strength of local feeling in opposition to this is striking, and there is a strong feeling that government has pushed this through without thinking through the consequences to the residents of Dorset who live in the vicinity and beyond of this proposed facility.
The recent BBC analysis on the burning of household waste in large incinerators signified that it is now the dirtiest way that the UK generates power. Given that as a nation we have binding emissions targets, coupled with our own ambitious plans to decarbonise Dorset, this feels like a retrograde step of monumental proportions. As I said when recently questioned on this issue, the proposed incinerator has knee-capped our own net zero ambitions.
I can understand the commitment to unlock investment, create jobs and to kickstart the economy which has been well trailed by the government as a key priority. However, I would question the number of jobs that this incinerator will create, and additionally the potential impact on tourism and our wider environment will almost certainly offset any direct employment. The whole decision feels forced, ill-thought through and is one of a number of recent decisions by government that seem to ignore the needs and requirements of the residents of Portland.
That said, I noted with some interest the recent government announcement on its investment into carbon capture across Merseyside and Teesside. Given that this investment is built upon the Climate Change Committee’s advice that carbon capture technologies are significant growth areas as part of the wider low carbon transition, I would strongly urge that if you are not prepared to change your mind on this decision, that a government commitment to mitigate the harmful emissions from this incinerator should be part of a package that ensures communities in Dorset can benefit from investment in the same way that these northern industrial heartlands are.
However, notwithstanding the potential for carbon capture, I along with Dorset Council and a number of partners, will continue to stand firm alongside the Portland and Dorset residents who oppose the burning of waste on the Jurassic coastline for environmental, economic, and health reasons. I would welcome the opportunity to talk in more detail on this issue, as it is of such importance to our residents in South Dorset and beyond.
Yours sincerely,
Nick Ireland
Leader Dorset Council"
Categories: Planning Waste Environment and Ecology
I wholeheartedly agree with all the arguments put forward in Mr Ireland's letter to the Deputy P.M. It is worth mentioning that development near Liverpool Docks resulted in their World Heritage Site status being removed. We must not allow our Jurassic coast to suffer a similar fate.
Thank you so much for for challenging the ludicrous decision by the government to overturn the decision of the Dorset council, which represents the people who will be most affected by the incinerator, to deny the waste company to build a highly polluting waste incinerator on Portland. I do not live on Portland but am very concerned that despite the government's assertions that they wish to reduce the UK's carbon and greenhouse gas emissions that it should see building incerators as a way forward.The very idea of siting such a plant on Portland indicates Central Government's complete lack of concern for the residents, for the area, for the environment and for the very future of the planet. Well done for challenging the government!
Well done Dorset Council for sticking to your decision not to allow the incinerator on Portland. You have put your case very well. Why not invite the deputy prime minister to come to Portland and see for herself what a disaster it will be to Portland and Weymouth. Maybe she will get caught in one of the continual traffic jams that already block Portland Road in Wyke without the addition of lorries full of non Dorset rubbish being taken to the incinerator.
Well said, this has to be stopped in it's tracks, we will not tolerate this incinerator being built in our back garden.
Thank you Mr. Ireland for expressing your and the people of Dorset genuine concerns.
This government is rushing through detrimental projects which proves yet again that in spite of all the years they have had to prepare they are unfortunately in charge but without properly thought out plans.
I would be very happy to sign a petition regarding this Portland incinerator.
Annie Mollett
I hope that those objecting to the Incinerator are prepared to do without electricity when the existing coal and nuclear power stations are shut down. They seem to be objecting to offshore wind (Navitus Bay refusal), solar farms and onshore wind so when there is no wind or sun locally, are they happy for polluting or nuclear power stations (if they are built) elsewhere to keep the lights on and their electronic devices charged? We need additional power sources to maintain our grid system and planning controls can be used to control the negative impacts.
Thanks Nick for pursuing this. The impact of this incinerator will be extremely detrimental to Portland and Weymouth residents. The prison community, who have no means to move from their location, will also be significantly affected. I hope Dorset County Council will pursue their objection.
Many thanks
Keith Johnson