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Traffic calming measure to be trialled in Milborne St Andrew

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A man with his dog walking along a footway as a vehicle passes them

We are to trial a new traffic management scheme on the A354 in Milborne St Andrew, a key road connecting Blandford to Dorchester and a well-used and important route for local residents.

Following a review of traffic management, Milborne Parish Council asked us to enhance pedestrian safety and manage vehicle speeds through the village centre.

Although the speed limit is 30mph, the aim of a traffic management scheme would be to improve pedestrian safety by ensuring vehicles keep to the speed limit.

Our computer modelling demonstrated that a priority method of managing traffic flow and speed is possible. This would be through the construction of an installation that would narrow the road, giving priority to westbound traffic.

However, before any permanent system is installed, the council will trial a scheme in the village.

The installation will comprise water-filled interlocking barriers and temporary signs. It will resemble a permanent design to provide ‘real-time’ data.

Councillor Jon Andrews, Dorset Council Cabinet Member for Place Services, said:

“Following a traffic management study, the parish council asked us to develop a design to enhance the pedestrian environment while helping to manage traffic through the village centre.

“If a permanent installation was constructed now and it proved unsuccessful or problematic, it would be difficult and costly to remove. This temporary layout will save this expense and unnecessary inconvenience for drivers.

“If it is successful, the parish council will liaise with residents before finalising any permanent plans.

“We thank everyone for their patience while we carry out this trial.”

Wayne Lewin, Parish Clerk for Milborne St Andrew Parish Council, said:

“The Parish Council is delighted to be working in partnership with Dorset Council in aiming to achieve the primary strategic objective of the 2019 Neighbourhood Plan.

“This traffic calming project will slow down vehicles and improve pedestrian safety along the very busy A354.”

The temporary layout will be installed during the week commencing Monday 14 October 2024.

The first week will allow drivers to adjust to the new layout, with data collected during the following two weeks starting Monday 21 October and Monday 28 October. This enables data to be gathered during school holidays as well as during a ‘normal’ working week to provide a full range of information.

There will be three cameras and a speed radar in place. This will help record queue lengths, driver behaviour within the narrowed section and collect speed data.

It will run between the footway, which will stay open, and the road. The installation will start outside the Royal Oak pub and finish just past the first house next to the pub, a distance of just under 40 metres.

The structure will make a ‘give and take’ single file lane, with eastbound drivers giving way to westbound vehicles.

Other than during set up and dismantling, there will be no workforce at the site during the three weeks.

The arrangement will be removed on Friday, 1 November.

The data collected from the trial will inform Dorset Council’s decision on a proposed permanent feature.

Should the trial demonstrate that the installation effectively manages traffic, the parish council will engage with local residents.

Dorset Council is funding the trial and has worked closely with the parish council throughout the process.

If the permanent scheme goes ahead, it will be funded by Milborne St Andrew Parish Council using Section 106 Agreement contributions.  

See more information about the scheme  

