New company goes live to support council fill temporary roles

Dorset Council and Commercial Services Group (CSG) are delighted to announce the launch of their Joint Venture recruitment company Connect2Dorset. From Monday 8 April, Connect2Dorset will provide the council with its contingent and interim workforce. This new approach will help the council to meet its need for temporary staff including through utilising a strong and high quality supply chain.
The decision to change to a Joint Venture came from recognising the opportunity to deliver Dorset’s temporary workforce in a more sustainable and cost effective way and working with CSG as a partner brings their specialist recruitment expertise and experience to support implementation.
Aidan Dunn, Executive Director of Corporate Development at Dorset Council, said:
“Connect2Dorset is about helping Dorset Council better meet our current and future workforce challenges. This approach will help us to ensure a consistent provision of temporary workforce into our range of roles, including where we have our greatest challenges such as the care sector. Choosing an experienced partner like CSG has meant we have benefited from a smooth implementation delivered on schedule through the application of their knowledge and expertise gained from their other Joint Ventures.”
CSG is wholly owned by Kent County Council (KCC) and having been in operation for over 90 years it is now the largest organisation of its kind in the UK with 26 brands and over 16,000 customers. CSG brings with it a proven track record of successful delivery of Joint Venture solutions to the public sector.
Matt Johnson, CEO of CSG added:
“We are proud to be launching Connect2Dorset with our partner Dorset Council. I would like to thank everyone involved in bringing this venture to fruition from both Dorset Council and CSG who have worked so hard to launch our latest Joint Venture on time. We also welcome Karen Wisbey, Connect2Dorset’s Business Manager, and her team who will be working closely with Dorset Council building relationships with recruiting managers to ensure the provision of high quality contingent staff. We look forward to watching Connect2Dorset grow and deliver benefits to the residents of Dorset.”
Categories: Corporate and Finance