New chapter for Dorset libraries

“Extended Access” has been introduced for library users in Verwood Library.
Membership allows entry outside normal opening hours and access to most services beyond staffed hours.
This is the first Dorset library to benefit from the new technology, and library users can now borrow books, return items, use the free wi-fi and computers as well as hire rooms for community events Mondays to Saturdays, 8am to 8pm.
This is in addition to the library’s usual staffed opening times.
The official opening took place last week, attended by local Councillors and library users who were given a demonstration of how the new system works, and a chance to have their library cards activated.
There has been positive feedback and enthusiastic responses from library members who have already accessed the service in Verwood Library.
"This is a fantastic resource for the town. Now I can access at my convenience, meet people and pop in when I'm passing. I am delighted!"
“I usually work from home and Extended Access means I can use the library from early until late when it suits me, which is great.”
“The introduction was easy to do online and answered all my questions. I really like the quietness of the library in early evenings, and it’s very convenient to use the free wi-fi and computers there.”
Any Verwood Library member over the age of 16 can upgrade to Extended Access membership which will allow them to enter the library using their membership card outside of normal opening hours and use library facilities when staff are not present.
Cllr Ryan Hope, Portfolio Holder for Customer, Culture and Community Engagement at Dorset Council, said:
“We are delighted to bring this new technology to Verwood Library, the first library in Dorset to benefit from this system of operating.
“Libraries are key community assets, growing beyond book loaning, with the spaces being used for meeting, studying, IT, events and socialising.
“This is a big step forward in our commitment to enhancing library access and services, and we know the residents will benefit significantly from this expansion of opening times.”
The investment in Verwood Library is funded by Arts Council England and is part of a broader project to introduce "Extended Access" at four Dorset library sites: Verwood, Sturminster Newton, Sherborne and Gillingham.
Find out more on our website: Extended Access at Dorset Council Libraries - Dorset Council