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New 30mph limits introduced in Bourton, Dorset  

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New Road, Bourton

Speed limits have been reduced to 30mph on several roads in the village of Bourton in northern Dorset.  

Introduction of the new limits on 21 June 2024 aims to enhance safety and improve road conditions for all.

The decision is a response to a request from Bourton Parish Council for the speed limits to be reduced. We worked closely with the parish council, residents and Dorset Police prior to the changes.

30mph now applies to the following roads:

New Road; High Street; Tan Lane; Olde Fairfield; Silton Road; Mill Lane; Brickyard Lane; West Bourton Road; Old Pound Court; Church Track; Woolcott Lane; and Chaffeymoor Hill.

Jack Wiltshire, Head of Highways at Dorset Council, said: “We encourage local communities to decide upon new speed management measures in their areas, and we listened to the concerns of residents and the parish council before introducing these new limits.

“People were also able to provide comments via a public consultation before the final decision was made.

“Reducing speed limits aims to make areas safer for all and a full range of measures is considered before a new limit is introduced.

“Nevertheless, motorists should always drive responsibly and according to the conditions of the road, prioritising the safely of themselves and others.”

Bourton Parish Council added: ‘It has been a long process but, following a speed reduction campaign led by Bourton Parish Council, a very well supported petition and over ten years of speed monitoring in the village, the local community welcomes the new 30mph limit wholeheartedly.’  

Residents seeking a speed limit reduction in their area should, in the first instance, make a request to their local town or parish council or ward councillor. 

Read more about our approach to setting speed limits and how to contact your local town or parish council 

Dorset Council adopts the safe systems approach which aims to establish appropriate speed limits according to the features of the road, the function it serves, and the physical tolerance of those who use it. Changes to speed limits are calculated using guidance from the Department for Transport reflecting the nature of the road and the average speeds of the traffic.

Categories: Highways


1 Comment

Comment by posted

Such good news, 30mph at last. Thanks to Tony Burden and his team for their help in making it happen